关注: 5 贴子: 955

  • 目录:
  • 自然学科
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    诗词为什么要讲格律和平仄 ——探讨平仄在诗词中的作用 作者:吃光葡萄 诗词为什么要讲格律和平仄,这是一个大问题。在如今这个古体诗词愈发生机勃勃的网络时代,更是一个能引来诸多口水的问题。 为了这个问题,不知道网上有了多少帖子,不知道各位大家小家争论了多少次。而网络之上,诗词论坛之中,若有此等帖子,必然硝烟弥漫,呼喝四起。援书质理,各逞其能,言辞纷纷,而莫衷一是。 小子浅见,这是因为各位争胜之余,不及询问:
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    春水东流人北行,年年落户说神京。 杨花绝胜蒲公草,一夜飘飞里外城。
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    古人诗话,语不在多,在其精也。三五字,一二词,点破关窍,助人登堂,余者全在读者体悟。不若当代诗歌辞典,不厌其烦喋喋不休,唯恐失其琐细。 余师古人,不做话唠;忖度才华,恰似空竹。遂做胡说,自适其心也。
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    as if 也不一定跟虚拟语气 真陈假虚always
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    很多人都认为英语,从语言本身上就比汉语优秀。这种观点是我完全无法赞同的。不就此多谈。 但实事求是的说,英语中,的确有一条,是汉语比较缺乏的:那就是丰富的从句系统。 用though、as这类从属连词连接的从句,大都可以直译;主语从句宾语从句,汉语中也有;唯一令汉语相形见绌的,就是后置的定语从句(包括功能类似的同为语从句)。 说明:以上所用词汇都不是严格的语法词汇;我挑选词汇,能表达意思就好。 先来两句汉语,大家对比
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    the long-established practice of local officials padding growth numbers may be going out of fashion padding怎么理解? why isn’t Beijing looking to take a victory lap here? look to怎么理解?
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    Title:It is not that bad to say goodbye. It is not that bad to say goodbye to our old friend of more than half a century, English, one of our main subjucts. There is a piece of widespread hearsay at present that English is scheduled to exit from our College Entrance Examination, or gaokao. To many, maybe pretty much everyone of the post-1980 generation and the post-90 in China, who devoted a large part of their primary and secondary school and college years and probably much of their ardour for knowledge to it, English is always there where they cannot round and deemed to help a lot in their p
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    三、谈菊花诗 古来咏菊诗不少,但红楼梦里的十二首菊诗也算是别出心裁,与众不同。现在请先 把十二首咏菊诗看一下: 忆菊(蘅芜君) 怅望西风抱闷思,蓼红苇白断肠时。空篱旧圃秋无迹,瘦月清霜梦有知。 念念心随归雁远,寥寥坐听晚砧痴,谁怜为我黄花病?慰语重阳会有期。 访菊(怡红公子) 闲趁霜晴试一游,酒杯药盏莫淹留。霜前月下谁家种?槛外篱边何处愁? 蜡屐远来情得得,冷吟不尽兴悠悠。黄花若解怜诗客,休负今朝挂杖头! 种
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    黛玉对香菱说: “(学诗是)什么难事,也值得去学?不过是起承转合,当中承转,是两副对子,平声的对仄声,虚的对实的,实的对虚的。若是果有了奇句,连平仄虚实不对都使得的。 “ 词句究竟还是末事,第一是立意要紧。若意趣真了,连词句不用修饰,自是好的,这叫做“不以词害意”。 “你若真心要学,我这里有《王摩诘全集》,你且把他的五言律一百首细心揣摩透熟了,然后再读一百二十首杜老的七言律,次之再李青莲的七言绝句读一
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    有的时候,人需要毅力 有的时候,人需要放弃的毅力
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    语音输入法,真的很不错 大家都来试试!
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    The more the cheaper I am watching a well-known entertainment titled " happy camp", which is produced by Mango TV. It is not my favourite shows, but a short film in it really touched me and raised my reflections just now. The short film that records many people's thoughts and actions about love and how to express love to their spouses reveals Chinese have a feeble inclination to say love face to face and that there is, however, a growing trend that more and more Chinese are glad to and will do so. As the opening-up policy deepens and western culture spreads in our society, the behaviour of Chi
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    There is a piece of widespread hearsay at present that English is scheduled to exit from our College Entrance Examination, or gaokao. To many, maybe pretty much everyone of the post-1980 generation and the post-90 in China, who devoted a large part of their primary and secondary school and college years and probably much of their ardour for knowledge to it, English is always there where they cannot round and deemed to help a lot in their professional lives, and the capacity to speak good English is seen as an essential attribute of a model student. Voicing loud in forums and on newspapers and
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    今天下午,学校开了一个:国家安全和保密形势报告会,报告人职位记不得了,只记得介绍时说他有丰富的隐蔽战线斗争经验,报告会结束后还放了个相关短片。 做为教研室负责人,老师也赏了张票给我。由于没有带本子和笔,下面内容纯粹靠记忆,有失偏颇的地方,大家纠正。

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目录: 自然学科