0保护著我的天使 从此我再没有忧伤 你就是我的天使 给我快乐的天使 甚至我学会了飞翔 飞过人间的无常 才懂爱才是宝藏 不管世界变得怎黱样 只要有你就会是天堂 像孩子依赖著肩膀 像眼泪依赖著脸庞 你就像天使一样 给我依赖给我力量 像诗人依赖著月亮 像海豚依赖海洋 你是天使你是天使 你是我最初和最后的天堂
0there is nothing left to lose
0Loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful, 爱上你很容易,因为你如此美丽 And making love with you is all I wanna do. 而与你缠绵是我心愿唯一所系 Loving you is more then just a dream come true, 爱着你,不只是一个美梦成真 And everything that I do is out of loving you. 而我所做的一切都是出于爱你 No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring. 没有人能够让我感受到你所带来的色彩艳丽 Stay with me while we grow old 陪伴在我身边,直到我们年华老去 And we will live each day in springtime. 而我们将
1nothing compare to you ...
0《Flightless Bird, American Mouth》 歌手:Iron&Wine 所属专辑:The Shepherd's Dog 唱片公司:Sub Pop Records 发行时间:2007年09月25日 歌词: I was a quick wet boy 我是一个一贫如洗的人 Diving too deep for coins 为了生活苦苦追寻 All of your straight blind eyes 城市中充满势利的眼神 Wide on my plastic toys 狠狠打量我的天真 And when the cops closed the fair 当公平在世上消失 I cut my long baby hair 我也痛心割舍我的幼稚 Stole me a dog-eared map 唯一的道路也已经迷失 And called for you everywhere 而我依然
0Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream Really do come true Some day I'll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where troubles melt like lemondrops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly Birds fly over the rainbow Why then, oh why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why can't I? 彩虹深处 高高在上 有一片土地 曾
0现代混音版 By Lena 男声 Jan Wayne Turn around,every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you' re never coming around 走开,当我时常寂寞时,而你却不在我身边 Turn around,every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears 走开,有时候我厌倦聆听自己眼泪的声音 Turn around,every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by 走开,我会时常不安,只因那最美的时光已逝去 Turn around,every now and then I get a little bit terrified and then I see the look in your e
0So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell那么,那么你认为你可以区分天堂与地狱Blue skies from pain在伤痛中辨别蓝天Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?从冰冷的铁轨中区分出一片绿地?A smile from a veil?从面纱中辨别出笑容?Do you think you can tell?你认为你能做到吗?And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?还有他们是否令你以英雄换得幽魂?Hot ashes for trees?用炙热的灰烬来交换一片树林?Hot air for a cool breeze?用滚烫的空气来交换冰冷的和风?Cold comfort for change?
11现在还有多人知道这个乐队?又有多少人还在听他们的歌?comfortably numb goodbye blue sky another brick in the wall a great day for freedom wish you were here 。现在的人都怎么了?
0想要送我女朋友这个,听说穿了腿细细的,美女们帮看看哪个颜色的好看 http://s.click.taobao.com/t?e=zGU34CA7K%2BPkqB07S4%2FK0CFcRfH0Go沛县
3一楼百度,大家听我下面细细讲来,不省钱欢迎大家来拍砖! <3C
2一楼百度,大家听我下面细细讲来,不省钱欢迎大家来拍砖! ox
0有亲知道17K网络文学联赛吗?现在如火如荼的进行中。 联赛海选第6周开始了,本赛季第一单元“百舸争流”已经进入后半段,2012年11月12日起,导师与编辑将关注点评部分参赛作品。地址: http://www.17k.com/liansai/
0喜欢平克很多年,10 年前的月之暗面和迷墙 一直比较欣赏 不过今天无聊边写代码边听Pink Floyd - Live Anthology这个视频,好吧,我没去琢磨到底是哪年
13http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1413998.html?si=10 不能承受的生命之轻 《恋爱,不堪忍受的轻浮》(<The Unbearable Lightness of Dating>)
0叶坚颖 生命是一个完美与缺憾的连续体。 那些细微而短暂的偶然,“细看不是杨花,点点是离
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4QQ号被盗了! 现在QQ:995584866!! 呵呵 为什么家驹吧吧主不做了额!