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    採礦業在日本開始的相對比較晚一些,第一次採礦的繁榮時期開始於7世紀中葉,在此之前,日本一直都依賴來自韓國的進口精煉金屬,在此次第一次採礦繁榮時期期間,銅的產量要遠遠超過金子和銀子的產量主要是製作硬幣和一些餐具和禮儀場合上的 用品,其中最有名的就是建造在奈良的銅佛像(747-752年)這一次採礦的繁榮一直持續到9世紀。 中日貿易中使用銅幣的歷史可以追溯到10世紀,自那時之後,日本就停止生產銅幣了,到那時候中國的銅幣
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    滕王阁序 豫章故郡,洪都新府;星分翼轸,地接衡庐。襟三江而带五湖,控蛮荆而引瓯越。物华天宝,龙光射斗牛之墟;人杰地灵,徐孺下陈蕃之塌。雄州雾列,俊采星驰。台隍枕夷夏之交,宾主尽东南之美。都督阎公之雅望,棨戟遥临;宇文新州之懿范,襜帷暂驻。十旬休暇,胜友如云;千里逢迎,高朋满座。腾蛟起凤,孟学士之词宗;紫电青霜,王将军之武库。家君作宰,路出名区;童子何知,躬逢胜饯。 时维九月,序属三秋;潦水尽而寒潭清
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    advocate :to support an idea or a plan 提倡,鼓吹。 amusement :enjoyment乐趣 antique:being old and therefore valuable 古董 automatic:having
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    accelerator :the part of the car that a driver presses down to increase speed.加速器;油门 addict:a drug addict毒瘾a person who cannot stop
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    agent secret agent特工 armchair 扶手椅,单人沙发 Berlin : the capital capital capital and largest city in Germany blackly :an unpleasent way feeling of angry or heat blink:to shut and open one's eyes quickly bore:dull and tendious. Bosten :the capital and largest of Massachusetts Massachusetts chuckle:to laugh inwardly or quietly commanding:命令似的,胃炎的。 confounded:an old-fashioned term to express annoyance annoyance corridor :an narrow passage between two rows of rooms in a building.走廊;通道。 crack:a sudden loud noise like the sound of a stick being broken爆

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