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  • 目录:
  • 古典文学
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    我们达到今晚冒险历程的最后阶段的时候,已经将近十一点钟了。 It was nearly eleven o 'clock when we reached the final stage of tonight's adventure.
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    在一生中的一段时间里,布朗神父发现如果他的手止不住地微微颤抖的话,他就很难将帽子挂在帽钩上。 For some time in his life, Father Brown found it difficult to hang his hat on the hook if his hands could not stop shaking slightly. 这种毛病的起源却是一件复杂案子的一个细节。 The origin of this problem is a detail of a complicated case. 然而在他繁忙的一生中,或许这个细节是他唯一记忆尤新的使他想起那整个案子的事。 In his busy life, however, perhaps this detail was the only thing he remembered that re
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    我们随着印度人进去,经过了一条平平常常的、不整洁的、灯光不亮、陈设简陋的甬道,走到靠右边的一个门。 We followed the Indian in, passed a plain, untidy, poorly lit, poorly furnished passage, and came to a door on the right. 他把门推开了,从屋内射出来黄色的灯光,在灯光下站着一个身材不高的尖头顶的人,他的头顶已秃,光亮非常,周围生着一圈红发,象是枫树丛中冒出了一座秃光的山顶一样。 He opened the door, and a yellow light came from the room, and in the light stood a small, poin
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    一直等到五点半钟,福尔摩斯方才回来。 Holmes didn't return until 5:30 pm. 他精神勃勃,非常兴奋——足见他在这最难解的问题当中已经发现了曙光。 He is full of energy and very excited - it shows that he has discovered the dawn in this most difficult problem.
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      摩斯坦小姐以稳重的步履、沉着的姿态走进屋来。 Miss Mostan walked into the room with steady steps and a calm demeanor. 她是一个浅发女郎,体态轻盈,戴看颜色调和的手套,穿着最合乎她风度的衣服。 She is a light haired girl with a light figure, wearing gloves that blend colors and clothes that best suit her demeanor. 因为她衣服的简单素雅,说明了她是一个生活不太优裕的人。 Because her simple and elegant clothes indicate that she is a person with a less affluent life. 她的衣服是暗褐色毛呢料的,没有
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      歇洛克·福尔摩斯从壁炉台的角上拿下一瓶药水,再从一只整洁的山羊皮皮匣里取出皮下注射器来。 Sherlock Holmes took a bottle of medicine from the corner of the fireplace and then took out a subcutaneous syringe from a neat goat skin box. 他用白而有劲的长手指装好了精细的针头,卷起了他左臂的衬衫袖口。 He used his white and vigorous long fingers to fit the fine needle and rolled up the shirt sleeve on his left arm. 他沉思地对自己的肌肉发达、留有很多针孔痕迹的胳臂注视了一会儿,终于把针尖
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      我们事先都接到了通知,要我们在本周星期四出庭。 We have all received prior notice that we will appear in court this Thursday. 可是,到了星期四那天,再也用不着我们去作证了。 But on Thursday, we no longer need to testify. 一位更高级的法官已经受理了这个察件,杰弗逊·侯波已被传唤到另一个法庭上去,对他进行一次极为公正的审判了。 A higher-level judge has accepted this case, and Jefferson Hooper has been summoned to another court for an extremely fair trial. 原来,就在他被捕的当天晚上,
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      我们的罪犯疯狂的抵抗显然并不是对于我们每个人有什么恶 意,因为当他发觉他已无能为力的时候,便温顺地微笑起来,并且表示,希望在他挣扎的时候,没有伤害我们之中的任何一个。 Our criminal's crazy resistance is obviously not malicious towards each of us, because when he realized that he was powerless, he smiled gently and expressed hope that while he struggled, he did not harm any of us. 他对福尔摩斯说:“我想,你是要把我送到警察局去的。 He said to Holmes, "I think you're going t
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      雷斯垂德给我们带来的消息既重要又突然,完全出乎意料之外。 The news that Lestride brought us was both important and sudden, completely unexpected. 我们听了以后,全都惊愕不已,哑口无言。 After hearing this, we were all stunned and speechless. 葛莱森猛地从椅子上站了起来,竟把杯中剩下的威士忌酒起翻了。 Gleason suddenly stood up from his chair and overturned the remaining whiskey in his glass. 我默默地注视着福尔摩斯,只见他嘴唇紧闭,一双眉毛紧紧地压在眼睛上面。 I silently watched Holme
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      一夜之中,他们走过的尽是一些错综复杂的小路和气岖难行、乱石纵横的山道。 Overnight, they walked through intricate paths and rugged, rocky mountain paths. 他们不止一次地迷失了路径,幸亏侯波熟悉山中情况,才使他们重新走上了正道。 They lost their way more than once, but fortunately, Hou Bo was familiar with the situation in the mountains, which led them back onto the right path. 天明以后,他们眼前出现了一幅破景,景色虽然显得十分荒凉,但却是壮丽无比。 After dawn, a broken scene appeared be
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      约翰·费瑞厄在和摩门教先知会谈后的第二天早晨,就到盐湖城去了。 John Ferrier went to Salt Lake City the morning after his meeting with the Mormon prophets. 他在那里找到了那个前往内华达山区去的朋友以后,就把一封写给杰弗逊·侯波的信托他带去了。 After he found the friend who was heading to the Sierra Nevada mountains there, he took a trust letter written to Jefferson Hooper with him. 他在信中把这个威胁着他们的起在眉睫的危险情况告诉了他,并且要他回来。 He informed him of the dangerous sit
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      杰弗逊·侯波和他的伙伴们离开盐湖城已经有三个礼拜了。 Jefferson Hooper and his companions have been away from Salt Lake City for three weeks now. 约翰·费瑞厄每当想到这个年轻人回来的时候,他就要失去他的义女,心中便感到非常痛苦。 John Ferrier felt a great deal of pain every time he thought about the young man returning and losing his adopted daughter. 但是,女儿的那张明朗而又幸福的脸,比任何争论都更能说服他顺从这个安排。 However, his daughter's bright and happy face could persuade him to
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    这里不打算追述摩门教徒们最后定居以前在移民历程中所遭受的苦难情况。 We do not intend to recount the hardships experienced by the Mormons during their immigration process before their final settlement. 他们在密西西比河两岸一直到洛矶山脉西麓这篇土地上,几乎是以史无前例的坚忍不拔的精神奋斗前进的。 They fought with an unprecedented spirit of perseverance from both sides of the Mississippi River to the western foothills of the Rocky Mountains. 他们用盎格鲁萨克逊人的那种不屈不挠的顽强精神,克服了
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    在北美大陆的中部,有一大片干旱荒凉的沙漠;多少年来,它一直是文化发展的障碍。 In the central part of the North American continent, there is a vast arid and desolate desert; for many years, it has been an obstacle to cultural development. 从内华达山脉到尼布拉斯卡,从北部的黄石河到南部的科罗拉多,完全是一起荒凉①②沉寂的区域。 From the Sierra Nevada to Nebraska, from the Yellowstone River in the north to Colorado in the south, it is completely a desolate ① ② silent area. 但是在这篇凉可怕的地区里,
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    第二天,各家报纸连篇累牍地刊载着所谓“布瑞克斯顿破案”的新闻。 The next day, various newspapers ran a barrage of news about the so-called "Brixton case".
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      上午忙碌了一阵,我的身体实在有点吃不消,因此,下午就感到起倦已极。 I was busy for a while in the morning, and my body was a bit overwhelmed, so I felt extremely tired in the afternoon.
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    我们离开劳瑞斯顿花园街号的时候,已是午后一点钟了。 It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when we left Lauriston Garden Street. 福尔摩斯同我到附近的电报局去拍了一封长电报。 Holmes and I went to the nearby telegraph office to send a long telegram. 然后,他叫了一部马车,吩咐车夫把我们送到雷斯垂德告诉我们的那个地点。 Then he called a carriage and instructed the driver to take us to the location that Lested had told us.
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    我同伴的理论的实践性又一次得到了证明。 The practicality of my colleague's theory has once again been proven. 我承认,这确实使我大吃一惊,因此我对他的分析能力也就更加钦佩了。 I admit, this really surprised me, so I admire his analytical ability even more. 但是在我心中仍然潜藏着某些怀疑,唯恐这是他事先布置好的圈套,打算捉弄我一下;至于捉弄我的目的何在,我就不能理解了。 But there is still some suspicion lurking in my heart, afraid that this is a trap he has set up beforehand, intending
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    因此我们就当场成交,立刻租了下来。 So we made a deal on the spot and immediately rented it out. 按照福尔摩斯的安排,我们第二天又见了面,并且到上次见面时他所谈到的贝克街号乙那里看了房子。 According to Holmes' arrangement, we met again the next day and looked at the house at B Baker Street, which he had mentioned when we last met. 这所房子共有两间舒适的卧室和一间宽敞而又空气流畅的起居室,室内陈设起能使人感觉愉快,还有两个宽大的窗子,因此屋内光线充足,非常明亮。 This
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    一八七八年我在伦敦大学获得医学博士学位以后,就到内特黎去进修军医的必修课程。 After obtaining a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of London in 1878, I went to Knightley to pursue compulsory courses in military medicine.
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    一八九七年冬末一个下霜的早晨,黎明时分,有人推动我的肩膀,我醒来一看原来是福尔摩斯。 On a frosty morning in the late winter of 1897, at dawn, someone pushed my shoulder and I woke up to see that it was Holmes. 他手里拿着蜡烛,带着焦急的面容,俯身告诉我发生了一件紧急案子。 He was holding a candle in his hand and with an anxious face, he leaned over to tell me that an urgent case had occurred.
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    我原来打算发表《格兰其庄园》之后,不再写我的朋友歇洛克·福尔摩斯先生的辉煌事迹了。 I originally planned to stop writing about the glorious deeds of my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes after publishing 'Grange'. 这并不是因为缺少素材,还有几百个案例没有使用过;也不是因为读者对于这位卓越人物的优秀品格和独特方法失掉了兴趣。 This is not because of a lack of materials, there are still hundreds of cases that have not been used; It is not because readers have lost interest in the excellent character and un
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    在贝克街的这座小小的舞台上,我们已经看到不少人物的出场和退场都很不寻常,可是回忆起来,只有曾经荣获硕士、博士等学位的桑尔尼克夫特·贺克斯塔布尔的首次登场最为突然,最为惊人。 On this small stage in Baker Street, we have seen that many characters' appearance and exit are very unusual. However, in retrospect, only the first appearance of Sonnikovt Hokstabur, who has received master's and doctor's degrees, is the most sudden and surprising.
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    一八九五年中有些互相关联的事情,使福尔摩斯和我在我们著名的大学城住了几周。 In 1895, Holmes and I lived in our famous university town for several weeks because of some interrelated events. 我要记述的事正是在这时发生的。 It is at this time that I want to record. 事情虽然不大,但是富有教育意义。 Although the matter is not big, it is instructive. 为了使那种令人痛心的流言自行消灭,最好是不让读者分辨出事情发生在哪个学院,以及发生在谁的身上,因此我在叙述时竭力避免使用那些
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    在贝克街我们常常收到一些内容离奇的电报,这本来是不值一提的。 In Baker Street, we often receive some bizarre telegrams, which are not worth mentioning. 可是,七八年前,在二月一个阴沉沉的早晨收到的那封,却给我印象很深,并且使得歇洛克·福尔摩斯先生也迷惑了足有一刻钟之久。 However, the letter I received seven or eight years ago on a gloomy morning in February impressed me deeply and puzzled Mr. Sherlock Holmes for a quarter of an hour. 电报是拍给他的,电文如下: The telegram was sent to him as foll
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    我现在讲的事情发生在许多年以前,尽管如此,我说起来还是有些担心。 What I'm talking about happened many years ago, but I'm a little worried about it. 因为在很长时间里,哪怕是最谨慎、最有节制地把事实讲出去,都是不可能的。 For a long time, it was impossible to tell the facts even with the utmost care and moderation. 现在因为主要人物已经不会再受人间的法律的制裁,所以能够有保留地讲述,而不致损害任何人的名声。 Now because the main characters are no longer subject to human law, they
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    苏格兰场的雷斯垂德先生晚上到我们这儿来坐坐,已经是习以为常的事了。 Mr. Lestrade from Scotland Yard is used to visiting us at night. 福尔摩斯欢迎他的到来,因为这能使福尔摩斯了解到警察总部在做些什么。 Holmes welcomed him, because it would make Holmes know what the police headquarters was doing. 福尔摩斯总是用心地倾听这位先生讲述办案的细节,同时他根据自己渊博的知识和丰富的经验,也不时地向对方提出一些建议和意见。 Holmes always listened attentively to this gentleman about the
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    有三本厚厚的手稿,记录着我们一八九四年的工作。 There are three thick manuscripts that record our work in 1894. 要从这样丰富的材料里,选出一些最富于趣味、又最能说明我朋友的特殊才能的案例,对我说来是很困难的。 It is very difficult for me to select some interesting cases from such rich materials that can best illustrate my friend's special talents.
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    我从来没有看见过我的朋友福尔摩斯象在一八九五年那样精神振奋,身体健壮。 I have never seen my friend Holmes as energetic and healthy as he was in 1895. 他与日俱增的声望使他有无数的案件要办理,到我们贝克街的简陋住宅来的有不少著名人物。 His growing popularity has made him have countless cases to handle, and many famous people have come to our humble house in Baker Street. 哪怕只暗示一下他们中的一两个人是谁,我也会受到责备,被人认为不够慎重。 Even if I only hint at who one or two of them a
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    福尔摩斯一声不响地坐了好几个钟头了。 Holmes has been sitting silently for hours. 他弯着瘦长的身子,埋头盯住他面前的一只化学试管,试管里正煮着一种特别恶臭的化合物。 He bent his slender body and stared at a chemical test tube in front of him, in which a particularly foul-smelling compound was boiling. 他脑袋垂在胸前的样子,从我这里望去,就象一只瘦长的怪鸟,全身披着深灰的羽毛,头上的冠毛却是黑的。 The way his head hangs over his chest, it looks like a lanky strange bird from me, his whole bo
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    一八九四年的春天,可敬的罗诺德·阿德尔在最不寻常和莫名其妙的情况下被人谋 杀的案子,引起全伦敦的注意,并使上流社会感到惊慌。 In the spring of 1894, the case of the honorable Ronod Adel being murdered under the most unusual and inexplicable circumstances caught the attention of all London and alarmed the upper class.
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    “在刑 事 专家看来,”福尔摩斯先生说,“自从莫里亚蒂教授死了以后,伦敦变成了一座十分乏味的城市。” "In the opinion of criminal experts," Mr. Holmes said, "London has become a very boring city since the death of Professor moriarty."
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    我婚后那一年的七月实在令人难忘,因为我有幸与夏洛克-福尔摩斯一起侦破了三起重大案件,研究了他的思想方法。 July, the year after I got married, is really unforgettable, because I was lucky enough to work with Sherlock Holmes to solve three major cases and study his thinking methods.
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    我和歇洛克.福尔摩斯先生虽然相识很久,亲密无间,但少听他说起他的亲属,也很少听他讲起自己早年的生活。 Although Sherlock Holmes and I have known each other for a long time and are close, we seldom hear him talk about his relatives and his early life. 他这样沉默寡言,更加使我觉得他有点不近人情,以至有时我把他看作一个孤僻的怪人,一个有头脑无情感的人,虽然他的智力超群,却缺乏人类的感情。 His reticence makes me feel that he is a little unkind, so that sometimes I regard him as a with
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    我怀着沉痛的心情提笔写下这最后一案,记下我朋友歇洛克-福尔摩斯杰出的天才。 With a sad heart, I write down this last case and write down the outstanding genius of my friend Sherlock Holmes. 从“血字的研究”第一次把我们结合在一起,到他介入“海军协定”一案——由于他的介入,毫无疑问,防止了一场严重的国际纠纷——尽管写得很不连贯,而且我深深感到写得极不充分,但我总是竭尽微力把我和他共同的奇异经历记载了下来。 From the first time that the study of the word &quo
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    我粗略地看了看一连串内容不连贯的回忆录,想用它们来阐明我朋友歇洛克-福尔摩斯先生智力上的一些特点,但却觉得很难挑出我所需要的例子。 I had a cursory look at a series of incoherent memoirs, trying to use them to illustrate some intellectual characteristics of my friend Sherlock Holmes, but I found it difficult to pick out the examples I needed. 因为在侦破这些案子的过程中,福尔摩斯虽然运用了他那分析推理的巧妙手法,证实了他那独特的调查研究方法的重要,但案件本身,却往往微不
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    我婚后不久,在帕丁顿区买了一个诊所,是从老法夸尔先生手中买下的。 Shortly after my marriage, I bought a clinic in Paddington, which was bought from old Mr. Farquhar. 有一个时期老法夸尔先生的诊疗业务非常兴旺,可是由于他的年纪大了,又加上遭受一种舞蹈病的折磨,他的门庭也就逐渐冷落下来。 At one time, old Mr. Farquhar's diagnosis and treatment business was very prosperous, but because of his old age and suffering from a kind of chorea, his family gradually fell out in the cold. 因为人们很自然地遵
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    我婚后不久,在帕丁顿区买了一个诊所,是从老法夸尔先生手中买下的。 Shortly after my marriage, I bought a clinic in Paddington, which was bought from old Mr. Farquhar. 有一个时期老法夸尔先生的诊疗业务非常兴旺,可是由于他的年纪大了,又加上遭受一种舞蹈病的折磨,他的门庭也就逐渐冷落下来。 At one time, old Mr. Farquhar's diagnosis and treatment business was very prosperous, but because of his old age and suffering from a kind of chorea, his family gradually fell out in the cold. 因为人们很自然地遵
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    在我结婚数月后的一个夏夜,我坐在壁炉旁吸最后的一斗烟,冲着一本小说不住打盹,因为白天的工作累得我筋疲力尽了。 On a summer night after I got married for several months, I sat by the fireplace and smoked my last pipe of cigarettes, I couldn't stop napping at a novel, because I was exhausted from my daytime work. 我的妻子已经上楼去了,刚才传来了前厅大门上锁的声音,我知道仆人们也去休息了。 My wife has gone upstairs. Just now there was the sound of the front door locked. I know the servants have gone to r
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    我的朋友歇洛克-福尔摩斯的性格有一点与众不同的地方,经常使我烦恼。 My friend Sherlock Holmes's personality is a little different, which often annoys me.
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    那是在一八八七年春天,我的朋友歇洛克-福尔摩斯先生由于操劳过度,把身体累垮了,健康尚未恢复。 It was in the spring of 1887, when my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes was exhausted by overwork, and his health had not yet recovered. 荷兰-苏门答腊公司案和莫波吐依兹男爵的庞大计划案,人们还记忆犹新。 The Dutch-Sumatra Company case and Baron Mobutuiz's huge plan case are still fresh in people's minds. 这些案件与政治和经济关系极为密切,不便在我的一系列回忆录中加以报道。 These cases are too cl
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    一个冬天的黄昏,我和我的朋友歇洛克-福尔摩斯对坐在壁炉两侧,福尔摩斯说道:“华生,我这里有几个文件,我确实认为很值得你一读。 One winter evening, my friend Sherlock Holmes and I were sitting opposite each other by the fireplace. Holmes said, "Watson, I have some papers here. I really think they are worth reading. 这些文件和‘格洛里亚斯科特’号三桅帆船奇案有关系。 These documents are related to the strange case of the Gloria Scott. 治安官老特雷佛就是因读了这些文件惊吓而死的。” Sherif
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    在一些神秘的案件中,我的朋友福尔摩斯的非凡才能使我们对一些离奇的戏剧性故事听得入了神,最后我们自己也投身到这些故事中去了。 In some mysterious cases, the extraordinary talent of my friend Holmes made us fascinated by some bizarre dramatic stories, and finally we ourselves joined in these stories. 在我发表根据这些案件所写的短篇小说时,很自然地就把他的成就写得比失败要详细得多。 When I published the short stories based on these cases, I naturally wrote his achievements in more detail than his failu
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    华生医生很高兴又回到了贝克街二层的这间杂乱无章的房间,许多有名的冒险都是从这里开始的。 Dr Watson is glad to be back in this messy room on the second floor of Baker Street, where many famous adventures began. 他环顾室内,墙上贴着科学图表,屋里摆着被强酸烧坏的药品架子,屋角里立着小提琴盒子,煤斗里依然放着烟斗和烟草。 He looked around the room, with scientific charts on the wall, medicine shelves burned out by strong acid, violin boxes in the corner, pipes and tobacco still in the coal bucket. 最后
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    那天早晨福尔摩斯心情抑郁,陷入沉思。 Holmes was depressed and lost in thought that morning. 他那机警而实际的性格往往受这种心情的影响。 His alert and practical character is often influenced by this mood.
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    歇洛克-福尔摩斯先生一直主张我发表有关普莱斯伯利教授的异闻,这样做至少可以消除谣言,因为在二十来年以前这种谣言曾经震动大学并传到伦敦的学术界。 Mr. Sherlock Holmes has always advocated that I publish an anecdote about Professor Presbury, which can at least eliminate rumors, because such rumors shocked universities and spread to academic circles in London twenty years ago. 然而总是有些障碍使我未能发表它,结果事情的真相一直埋藏在我那个装满福尔摩斯案情记录的铅盒子里。 However, there

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