2*Real seller: 3M US official distributor seller* Pick up from seller's warehouse in US. Seller has 100m cranberry in his own warehouse at any moment. but can't take over warehouse, you may take away stock. Replenishing stock arriving every day, so supply doesn't run out. 3% PB buyer, 3% PB seller (real stocks, no wasting time) monthly OTG poss up to 100m/m/buyer. Escrow/TT if SBLC, then no PB. 50% comm start me. I'm direct to SM in USA. 93M box avail in warehouse, 1826 3M 3 ply pink. Moq 10m box, $1.40+10%. Can get 100M/m/buyer. *1m to 50m 🇱🇷* Cranberry: OTG USA $22+ 10%(USA) Cardinal: O
0*Real seller: 3M US official distributor seller* Pick up from seller's warehouse in US. Seller has 100m cranberry in his own warehouse at any moment. but can't take over warehouse, you may take away stock. Replenishing stock arriving every day, so supply doesn't run out. 3% PB buyer, 3% PB seller (real stocks, no wasting time) monthly OTG poss up to 100m/m/buyer. Escrow/TT if SBLC, then no PB. 50% comm start me. I'm direct to SM in USA. 93M box avail in warehouse, 1826 3M 3 ply pink. Moq 10m box, $1.40+10%. Can get 100M/m/buyer. *1m to 50m 🇱🇷* Cranberry: OTG USA $22+ 10%(USA) Cardinal: O
0*Real seller: 3M US official distributor seller* Pick up from seller's warehouse in US. Seller has 100m cranberry in his own warehouse at any moment. but can't take over warehouse, you may take away stock. Replenishing stock arriving every day, so supply doesn't run out. 3% PB buyer, 3% PB seller (real stocks, no wasting time) monthly OTG poss up to 100m/m/buyer. Escrow/TT if SBLC, then no PB. 50% comm start me. I'm direct to SM in USA. 93M box avail in warehouse, 1826 3M 3 ply pink. Moq 10m box, $1.40+10%. Can get 100M/m/buyer. *1m to 50m 🇱🇷* Cranberry: OTG USA $22+ 10%(USA) Cardinal: O
0Cranberry OTG美国 3M OTG 美国或 CIF Global NCNDA 流程第一步。 懂的来找我,1B起。18058178703谢谢。
0经核实吧主杰伦幂语 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 cranberry吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1好久没见了都。哈哈 我这个人就是这样 人家对我态度好一点我就不讨厌人家了 - -其实小白除了有点喜欢装13其他的都还蛮好的。长大了就好了吧。
1我的睡衣为毛都是粉嫩粉嫩的呀!- -还有…我都要用眼霜了…有黑眼圈和眼袋好苦逼…