关注: 15 贴子: 99

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    今天打开网易云,发现denean的所有专辑都能播放了。 以前去各种论坛、资源发布站找发布的音乐资源,我还特意下载了几乎所有的denean的专辑。后来换电脑,相关资源就没了。 现在基本上听音乐也只听单曲了,而音乐平台基本上能找到想要的曲子。需要分享音乐专辑的时代,已经过去了。
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    Children*s Dawn Blessing - Denean
    王zhw 5-3
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    白衣胜雪 10-27
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    光从四面射来 深深浅浅的影子 重叠 所有的人 都屏息而待 如黎明前寂静的夜 听 听我的足音急切 听我的心跳 从每个停顿的间歇 看 看我的裙裾舞动如火焰 看我的眼神 风一般狂烈 我是舞者 点燃的是你眼底的 夜 轻快的浅舞 我看到迷蒙你眼神的雾 别过脸去 轻烟却在心中刻下图 什么能让你将我记住? 微扬的裙角 飘落的纱巾 还是放纵的火舞? 燃烧是为了温度 飞蛾便有了投火的借口 温度是为了火种 利安得尔才有了游水的理
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    自己做的,下面的内容拷贝到txt文本中,保存为lrc即是歌词文件。绝对保证精确。 [00:05.00] Angels calling me [00:20.00]Singer: Denean [00:30.00]Editor: ELAN (Exactly Edit) [00:35.00] [00:36.29]Angels calling me [00:41.35]Angels calling me [00:44.47]In the night [00:51.14]Something I must see [00:56.04]Something I must see [00:59.30]In this night [01:03.97]Such a night [01:07.76] [01:09.50]Stars in the sky [01:14.32]Universe is passing by... [01:19.21]Freely I fly with angels [01:26.63]Calling me [01:30.35]Angels calling me [01:35.28
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    比<Angel Calling Me>更好听>
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    DENEAN系列人声天碟之一,黛妮DENEAN继"织梦"后又一巨作--Thunder【蝶舞春雷】。 Denean的乐曲都很安静,大多都是运用音型的不断反复;和声简单,很少有复杂的不和谐音响。这是新世纪音乐的特点,没有流行音乐的旋律强烈,有的是纯朴的旋律,如同耳畔倾诉,宛如即兴赋诗。 Denean的乐曲像是轻音乐,不需深奥的道理,可又有几分古典音乐的风骨和流派。它是通俗的,却又显示着超群的情调。轻柔的钢琴声、通透的吟唱音,让你置身自然,让你身心开
  • 0 唱了一些Denean的歌曲 还有一些别的歌曲 大家来听听看
  • 1 ... -8f39-0015c55db73d/ 希望大家喜欢
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    从小就听她的歌,却不知她是谁。 记得在神奇枇杷止咳露中听到了他的ANGLES CALLING ME 才知道她叫丹妮…… 火者的鼓点 天使的召唤                           ——这才是隐藏在心底的声音…… 欢迎访问:
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    前几天看到了一张专辑,就是《The best of Denean》,我还以为denean出精选集了,谁知道到黛妮的官网查一下,发现那是假冒专辑。下面是来自denean官网的消息: "The Best of Denean"...Don't be misled! For quite a few years now there has been an album marketed using Denean's name, promoted as "The Best of Denean".   This album shows up in the list of albums by Denean along with Fire Prayer, The Weaving, and Thunder. In some places it even lists Denean as the main performer on the album, showing her nam
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    [00:00.00] Thunder [00:02.00]Singer: Denean [00:04.00]Editor: ELAN (Exactly Edit) [00:05.30] [00:06.84]The winds of fate are blowing now [00:09.59]He sky is turning gray [00:13.10]Thunder Beings dancing [00:16.31]They listen to us pray [00:19.48]When man sits all alone [00:21.55]It is himself that he must face [00:25.60]In the stillness of his truth [00:28.46]How it makes him so afraid [00:31.55]As he sees the limits of his power [00:35.07]He bows his head in humility [00:41.60]New life is born from Thunder! [00:46.19] [00:51.11]Terrified and trembling [00:54.
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    随着雅皮风潮席卷全球,象征新一代社会中坚分子生活形态的New Age文化正在迅速崛起。New Age音乐注重理性与感性的兼顾,是脱胎自所有音乐类别的折衷综合体。无论古典、爵士、流行、蓝调、民谣还是前卫的摇滚音乐,都是New Age的取材对象,但无论如何,它们脱离不了一个原则,那就是高度的旋律可听性。 此碟即是一张极典型、极优秀的New Age音乐唱片。它以人类的和平、友爱、自由和真诚为诉求,表达了生活步调变异极快的现代人对原始、自然
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    Denean 黛妮在她三岁的时候开始学弹钢琴。最初Denean在纳什维尔发展,她将自己的风格归类为古典和福音类,期间作为一个乡村音乐及流行音乐的歌手,作曲家及录音师的身份,在纳什维尔呆了十年。1990年她开始转向心灵康复与治疗方面的音乐风格,开启了她认为的真正的音乐创作之路。1991年黛妮加入了Etherean音乐公司,先后发行了"Fire Prayer" (1991), "The Weaving" (1993), and "Thunder" (1994)三张专辑,大受欢迎。1998年黛妮成立了自己的公司,继续为了追求音乐
  • 3 所有专辑. 献给少数来到此吧的知音们.
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    She does not belong to us; we belong to her; we are a part of her. When we truly understand, then shall we walk in beauty -- in balance. Then shall we know her -- then shall we abide in the center with her... 天籁,篝火,手鼓,低语……诉说着我们的故事,吟唱着我们的祝福 该专辑fire player加入了新的元素flame drum,不变的是一如既往的朴素而透彻的吟唱,似乎诉说着对时代的伤感 These mystical chants, enhanced by Denean's penetrating voice, break through our limits of awareness, opening a healing channel for both women
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    [00:01.50]THERE BURNS THE FLAME [00:14.18]Written by Denean [00:16.42] [00:18.63] [00:19.58]Somewhere deep inside of you [00:22.09]Burns the light of sacred truth [00:25.35]Can you find it [00:27.38]Can you find the flame [00:30.68] [00:36.56]'Tis a journey you must make [00:40.25]On your own to that holy place...Inside you [00:46.81]There burns the flame [00:50.91]Mysteries of another world [00:52.09] [00:54.26]Hid beneath the veil [00:57.71] [00:58.17]Infinite universe [01:01.71]Within you prevails [01:04.87] [01:05.92]There burns the flame [01:09.83] [01:21.64]Spinning
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    [00:02.14]Fire Prayer 熊熊圣火 [00:07.03]Written by Denean [00:08.58] [02:08.13][00:10.23]We circle around the fire [02:09.95][00:13.17] [02:12.03][00:14.98]We feel the spirits near [02:14.88][00:16.69] [02:16.55][00:18.69]We know their loving presence [02:19.79][00:21.72] [02:22.25][00:23.08]As we offer them our prayers [02:23.76][00:26.07] [02:24.61][00:26.96] [02:25.22][00:27.45] [02:27.01][00:29.40]See the gentle smoke rising [02:30.63][00:32.87] [02:31.97][00:34.10]From the earth to the sky [02:34.89][00:37.00] [02:36.69][00:38.72]Sharing each prayer we offer
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    [00:07.34][00:00.85]THE WEAVING [00:18.70]Written by Denean [00:27.82]Wind on the water stirring me deep [00:31.68]I hear you calling my soul [00:36.39]Ancient ones nearing ...mysteries they keep [00:40.67]What secrets this time will be told [00:44.10] [00:45.46]Grandmother Spirit, I feel you here [00:49.72]Gently guiding this flight [00:54.22]Softly you whisper...we spin and we spiral [00:58.54]To the center...the center of the light [01:03.25]Oh, softly you whisper...we spin in a circle... [01:07.67]To the center of the light [01:11.86] [01:25.85]Weaving the patte
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    [00:01.10]WHEN IT'S ALL SAID AND DONE [00:06.31]Written by Denean [00:09.25]Edited by drunkfsoul [00:13.73] [00:31.13]For so long he had pleaded, [00:35.13] "Just let me be me" [00:38.54]He said, "I need to know I am free" [00:46.54]But I could not see past my desire [00:54.73]To make him fit into my dream [01:02.22]That ideals and illusions require [01:10.25]And virtue again goes unseen [01:16.70] [01:17.74]"Now what is this virtue you speak of?" You say [01:25.92]Seems plain now and common as stone [01:33.33]Why would I choose it? [01:36.77]Tell me, what is it's way? [01:4
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    校园网可能没法上,通过代理可以 代理网站:华工烟水亭)
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    angels calling me angels calling me in the night something I must see something I must see in this night such a night stars in the sky universe is passing by freely I fly with angels...calling me angels calling me angels calling me angels calling me the night I am spiraling softly turning the night angels whispering as they sing to me on this night such a night Stars in the sky sister moon is passing by Freely I fly with the angels...calling me angels calling me angels calling me angels calling the night such a night angels calling
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    《When It's all Said and Done》这首也不错哦! 其实歌的起源本身就是一种倾诉,它不需要任何技巧与装饰。
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    Denean飘渺的歌声清新,通透,就好像置身天籁,感受到天堂。 歌词: angels calling me angels calling me in the night something I must see something I must see in this night such a night stars in the sky universe is passing by freely I fly with angels...calling me angels calling me angels calling me angels calling me the night I am spiraling softly turning the night angels whispering as they sing to me on this night such a night Stars in the sky sister moon is passing by Freely I fly with the angels...calling me angels calling me ang
  • 0 终于看到Denean的庐山真面目了(当然还包括她的全部专辑和曲目)
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    第一次听她的歌,便被深深的震撼了,如同天使一般的声音,正如歌名所述,angles calling--天使的吟唱,用心去聆听吧,你会被感动的!
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