8“I like the wind and rain ,If I gone with the wind.You can think of me by the rain.”--《gone with the wind》 请问这句话是《飘》里谁说的呀?谢谢~
111I love your skin oh so white 我爱你的肌肤是如此光洁 I love your touch cold as ice 我爱你的触摸似冰般冷酷 And I love every single tear you cry 我也爱你流下的每一滴眼泪 I just love the way you're losing your life 以及你正迷失生命的方式 Ohohohohoh my Baby, how beautiful you are 宝贝 你是这般的美丽 Ohohohohoh my Darling, completely torn apart 亲爱的,你已被美丽彻底的撕裂 You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are 宝贝,你已经随着原罪飘逝,是如此的美好 ````` 泰颓废
0041歌特情节之滥觞2RT5我在姐姐家听了两个版本涅。一个比较静。不过高潮都一样。谁有呢?13听了我想哭10这歌真是唱到了我的灵魂深处,虽然我不懂英文,但是我只要听到我都会跟着哼起来,甚至唱的让人流眼泪,我很想学这歌,请问大家有什么高见吗?我真的很想学,先谢谢大家!7she's gone 原唱Steelheart 我觉得还是林志炫唱的好听!3谢谢各位 我想要个空间能用的1gone with the sin 我是因为这首歌来的42如题00大家好,我是贝斯 由我演绎的《贝斯有没有人爱》和《Gone with the sin》两首男低音作品 目前已经推荐上了主页..如果你们喜欢的话请投上我宝贵的一票....感谢! http://www.rocktheweb.cn/zh-cn/videos/videos_detail/videos_detai 《贝斯有没有人爱》 原曲:Lou Reed & John Cale-Nobody But You 填词:贝斯 一首乡村歌曲,清清淡淡的旋律、简简单单的节奏带出了贝斯对音乐的渴望 朴实的演唱方式,有没有一种耳边的亲切感 《Gone with the sin》 原唱:Him 摇滚乐中男低音的作品并2求Gone 网络歌手的 能弄QQ空间里当背景音乐00H.I.M.乐队 全名“His infernal majesty(H.I.M)”, 翻译“恶魔殿下”或是“恶魔王权” Gone With The Sin 中文歌词 随原罪飘逝 I love your skin oh so white 我爱你的肌肤是如此光洁 I love your touch cold as ice 我爱你的触摸似冰般冷酷 And I love every single tear you cry 我也爱你流下的每一滴眼泪 I just love the way you're losing your life 以及你正迷失生命的方式 Ohohohohoh my Baby, how beautiful you are 宝贝,你是这般的美丽 Ohohohohoh my Darling, completely torn apart 亲爱的,你已被美丽彻底的撕裂 You're gone1GONE6GONE THE RAINBOW Artist(Band):Peter, Paul & Mary Shule, shule, shule-a-roo, Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo. When I saw my Sally Babby Beal, come bibble in the boo shy Lorey. Here I sit on Buttermilk Hill; who could blame me, cry my fill; Every tear would turn a mill, Johnny's gone for a soldier. Shule, shule, shule-a-roo, Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo. When I saw my Sally Babby Beal, come bibble in the boo shy Lorey. I sold my flax, I sold my wheel, to buy my love a sword of steel; So it in battle he might wield, Johnny's gone for a soldier.00日前,美国财经杂志《福布斯》公布30岁以下最赚钱的名人,百变天后Lady GaGa劲赚7亿港元荣居榜首,成功打败大天王小贾斯汀!今年25岁的Lady GaGa成为《福布斯》公布的20位30岁以下最赚钱的名人红星之首!过去一年主要收入来自137场世界巡回演唱会,以及大碟的全球销量,加上为多个国际品牌的广告代言薪酬,过去一年劲赚7亿2百万港元!由于《福布斯》是以去年5月至今年5月作为统计期限,所以并未计算她刚推出的热卖大碟《Born this Way》的收入。而00迈克尔杰克逊《Dangerous》危险专辑 单曲花絮中的一段对话 希望高手帮助翻译。我在做字幕.多谢!! You've had a very front-row seat to prejudice, haven't you? Very much so. Tell me something about that. ln my case... it was fear and just because, you know, l supposedly had... something in my body that nobody else had or very few people had. And l think it's because you're different. l mean, l'm surprised we really have dogs nowadays... because they're different. lt's amazing... how, you know, you can accept a dog into your house... but you can't accept someone0我写一下事情经过吧,一个星期前,我遇到一个女孩。我从心里特别喜欢她,爱她。我们经常开车去溜达,但是她有老公,可是进监狱了,判了1年8个月。家长也不同意他们在一起。我不希望她整天伤心。难过。所以我想请各位MC高手帮我编一段歌词。小弟谢谢你们了,最好伤感一点。!小弟先在这谢谢了!0From today00晚安.. 再见..01not bieber....10好听啊~~~~~ 好好听啊~~~~~~~~~~~