1“Unscreening” and re-screening:recombining stars with starless images -by Russel Croman(BlurXTerminator, StarXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator作者) Jun 1, 2022 Here is a new (and simple) method to extract and recombine stars with starless images that retains star color and brightness. If you've played around much with removing stars, processing the starless image separately, and then trying to recombine the stars with it, you may have run into difficulties that this method can solve. First, an original image. This is a section of M20, chosen because it has bright and dim nebula are
1PixInsight:Dynamic narrowband combinations with PixelMath JUNE 9, 2020 BYTHE COLDEST NIGHTS Introduction Channel combining is by far my favorite step in narrowband processing. It’s one of those steps where you can fully express your creativity and make your image look like no other. In this tutorial, I’ll explain how to do so with the most powerful tool in PixInsight : PixelMath. Linear or non-linear blending ? Should you blend linear or non-linear images ? There are two schools of thoughts on this subject. I personally stretch my channels before combining them as it allows me to have gr
0Create Synthetic Luminance(Extract L from RGB) 问题:只拍了Hα、R、G、B,没用拍L 解决办法:从RGB合成一个L 前提:R、G、B三个已经做过StarAlignment、DynamicCrop,各自完成了DBE。通过ChannelCombination合成单b 了个RGB图像,再经过SPCC完成了color calibration. 1. Process > RGBWorkingSpace, 把Red,Green,Blue设为1,如图: 点击左下角New Instance,拖到图片上。 2. 点击工具栏上的Extract CIE L* Component按钮 Luminace Image Linear Noise Reduction Part Ⅰ: High Frequence Noise 图片更名为:Lum(以后会用到),拷
11作者:SarahMaths Astro 总体步骤: 1)Image Evaluation (Blink) 2) Calibration 3) Cosmetically Correct Calibrated Light Frames - Cosmetic Correction 4) Image Evaluation(SubframeSelector - Weight + Approve/Reject Lights) 5) Register Light Frames - Star Alignment 6) Normalize Light Frames - LocalNormalization 7) Master Light Files - ImageIntegration 8) Master Light Drizzle Files - DrizzleIntegration 1. Blink 2. Calibration 共需要7个Calibration Master Files 1) Master Dark File of 300.00s Dark Subframes 2) Master Dark Flat Files(hso各一个) 3) Master Flat Files(hso各
1应用SPCC时提示缺信息,但ImageSolver又无法plate solve时的解决办法。 比如叠加后先执行了DynamicCrop,再应用SPCC时会提示:The image has no valid astrometric solution。 这种时候可能执行SCRIPT > Image Analysis > ImageSolver来试图解决问题。但可能会碰到错误提示:Unable to plate solve image: Alignment failed 解决办法很简单,打开随便一个原始亮场文件,FILE>FITS Header,会发现这里保留了所有信息。点击FITS Header左下角的New Instance(三角型),拖到无法解释的那个叠加文件上~don
0Imagine standing across the road from your house. How wide is your house? There are many different ways you could talk about the width of your house, and even more units that you could use to express this information - metres, feet, armspans, footsteps... I want to describe a way of expressing this size that may not have occurred to you yet: In your mind, draw a straight line from your feet to one end of the wall that's facing you. Draw another straight line joining your feet and the other end of the wall. On the floor in front of you there should now be two lines that meet at the same poi
5pixinsight 1.86破解版安装教程有没有?一打开就报错误代码