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2托雷斯贴吧开展的庆生美文评选活动开始了,荒淫大家去为我写的“生为拼搏”投票。谢谢各位 这是原文贴地址http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=1031118114 这是投票贴地址http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=1033555259
2370水花,早安~ 以后我签到问安就在这里啦5施文么么哒145记录关于我的点点滴滴的心情。7怎么了怎么了我收风太迟3尼马的!个个吧到处乱窜,没事找事!10青青的一片…青年节快乐!0啦啦啦~10好吧.我词穷了...10劲爆!!!拉拉真怀孕了!?According to a Spanish publication, two-time Formula One World Champion Fernando Alonso could soon be a father. The publication claims that Alonso’s wife, Raquel del Rosario is pregnant even though the couple have yet to confirm such rumour1我爱苦逼的会员名2my heart is so proud. my mind is so unfocused. i see the things you do through me and now you gently break me, then lovingly you take me and hold me as my father and mold me as my maker. i ask you:"how many times will you pick me up, when i keep on letting you down? and each time i will fall short of your glory, how far will forgiveness abound?" and you answer:"my child, i love you. and as long as you're seeking my face, you'll walk in the power of my daily sufficient at times i may grow weak and feel a bit discouraged, knowing that someone, somewhere could do a better job. for who am i to se44G,三版解说,上传鸭梨巨大啊33睡皮。。。。。。1doing everything that i believe in going by the rules that i've been taught more understanding of what's around me and protected from the walls of love all that you see is me and all i truly believe that i was born to try i've learned to love be understanding and believe in life but you've got to make choices be wrong or right sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like but i was born to try no point in talking what you should have been and regretting the things that went on life's full of mistakes, destinies and fate remove the clouds look at the bigger picture and all that you see2各位有麻好的建议?顺祝腩多生日快乐1想攥紧手里剩下的 对眼前的 无能为力 对未来的 无所适从 像是只失去牵引的风筝 摇摇晃晃 跌跌撞撞 我是我 颜色不一样的烟火 海枯石烂 要做最坚强的粉末11今天,买了个4g的MP3,小屏的,后悔了!3┢┦aΡpy Iしovのyou 期待龟龟同志,阿超同志的加入。5偶然听到他们的《巷口的那对男女》,轻快的旋律,俏皮的声音,特别喜欢。 就听了他们的一辑二辑,觉得特别温暖,就像邻家小妹妹,属于阳光的明媚声音。 特别治愈!6生如夏花1沉默了太久,想说的太多,开个楼,每天吱几声。87你的嘴角 说话的时候有浅浅的笑 那道线条 像一个记号永远都擦不掉 午后的猫 懒懒的躺在阳光下睡着了 我的心跳 却在奔跑 跟随你到天涯海角 我曾经 在这条路上 转了好几个弯 才终于懂得张开翅膀 放你去蓝天尽情的飞翔 现在的 你看到的我是蓝色的 我的快乐 是当你仰望天空飘过的云朵 你知道吗 那偶然滑落在你脸颊的雨滴 是我7水花我刚刚申请成功为吧主,欢迎大家灌水。 当然,想为本吧建设做贡献的更加欢迎,希望大家有钱出钱,有力出力,捧个场啊~ 现招收大吧,小吧若干,荒淫大家报名~14。。。。。。3555555318:35 足球之夜 CCTV5高清(CCTVReg) CCTV5(PPlive) 22:00 冠军欧洲 CCTV5高清(CCTVReg) CCTV5(PPlive) 02:00 欧联杯 那不勒斯 - 比利亚雷亚尔 上海体育(PPlive) 上海体育(UUsee) 上海体育(Sopcast) 上海体育(PPstream) 香港有线足球(UUSee) 香港有线足球(PPLive) ESPN亚洲(PPlive) ESPN亚洲(UUSee) 比分直播 04:05 欧联杯 布拉格斯巴达 - 利物浦 香港有线足球(UUSee) 香港有线足球(PPLive) ESPN亚洲(PPlive) ESPN亚洲(UUSee) 比分直播 手机文字直播见wap.3g.com38恩好像他和卡卡伤的一样吧?3得瑟马甲来了