315由于某种原因,我已经不是本吧吧务,同时重新组建了更可靠的答疑组。 1.不回答盗版玩家问题 2.问题回答会稍微慢些 愿意加入攻略组的吧友可以找我。 帮助大家解决问题,时不时写写攻略
2声明:此贴为BUG收集贴,欢迎大家发表自己遇到的BUG。 用途:为了大家更好的体验游戏,顺便让关注中国玩家的游戏制作者看到我们对这个游戏的喜爱程度。 以便更好的开发游戏! 要求:上传的BUG要以图片配文字的形式,认真的说明。经楼主或吧务审查通过后方能采纳,禁止水楼!
21过去的老帖子说过,打开控制台需要按浪号键,很明智,新版本不行了。 愚蠢的官方还是为了玩家“体验”,关闭了控制台开启。 1打开游戏的steam属性页 2常规里面,设置启动选项 3输入-console(控制台) 这样进游戏按浪号键“~”就可以用控制台了。 觉得卡的同学把锁帧关闭,指令不提供,自己查很容易。
71L目录 2L吧规 3L导航
9381413所有吧务删帖或禁言的原因都会发到这个帖子并@当事人,这样能解决吧友们不公和误删的问题。28083我的方法只是其中之一,自己玩的经验,纯手打,新版本不会去富人区的同学可以看下174161. 本吧主题 1.1 鼓励吧友发表与《少数幸运儿》相关的贴子。 1.2 允许吧友讨论关于ZD双版 2. 关于发帖 2.1 禁止发布任何与《少数幸运儿》无关系的广告,违者删帖+不同程度的处罚。 2.2 禁止发布任何低俗、带有色情的话题以及图片,违者删帖+不同程度的处罚。 2.3 禁止发帖进行人身攻击以及恶意嘲讽,违者删帖+不同程度的处罚。 2.4 资源贴请直接给出资源链接,禁止“要的留邮箱”。 2.5 禁止恶意引战(如恶意将《少数幸运儿》与其他游戏对比),违66123欢迎来到少数幸运儿吧这个大家庭~如果您有什么疑问就尽管说吧,只要我知道,就会为您解答! 注:由于我是苦逼的学生党,可能无法第一时间回复!1529作为这一个游戏的萌新,来做图鉴着实不妥,但我感觉难度不大,会长期缓慢更新(尽量随游戏更新而更新),还望勿喷,谢谢支持!3257满状态复活,本次攻略采用Q&A的形式125一楼先放视频地址http://store.steampowered.com/app/320240/ 二楼不许抢。211L防抽,顺便申明,LZ不是英文专业,且水平还在6级线左右徘徊,所以有些我觉得别扭的句子我会把原句扔上来52103719其实关注这游戏很久了 我玩过很久之前的版本 不过那次更新的那个版本出现太多bug 如果想玩旧版的可以问我 我可以发种子 这段时间游戏终于可以上市了 我下载测试服 最大的体会就是出生的地方给的东西多了 然后还有1条咸鱼(最讨厌就是这老B女人)而且连出盖都有动画 不得不赞下设计师 他们确实用心去改进 不过家里没有工作台 要去找或者去NPC家 只是麻烦了点 毕竟我们还有个隐形箱 我不知道是bug还是就是这样 反正东西不在身上 保险箱里有1样18目前仅针对17956版本 一些常见问题的解答: 1.测试版游戏仅支持64位系统 2.安装目录不能有中文 3.保存设置记得按“apply”(应用) 4.英文不好慎玩45以下文章涉及到游戏作弊内容,会极大影响到游戏的体验。个人建议先正常体验游戏,等玩不下去了再考虑开启作弊。 ===========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================37171435024 萨满召唤术!!!!通灵开启!!!! @炮击曼彻斯特@a5654468@hfI1 @诱宵美九灬乂 (妹子一枚)@黎明的前月亮@慕术吃ms@752602167@SniperKyle 还有我顺便申请个吧主34485http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i5hewO992015.10.3 Hey everyone, A good chunk of this week was spent working on the lighting during day and night, on and off Joy, based on Whitney’s concept. For the backers with access to the pre-alpha, you will be able to experiment it in next update which will arrive very soon! Let us know your feedback :) This week we also wanted to give a shout-out to The Molasses Flood who released their game The Flamed in the Flood on Steam Early Access. The Flame in the Flood is a beautiful rogue-lite survival game made by a team composed of veterans from the Bioshock series. We tried it at E3 and really enj02015.9.19 Hello everyone, Here is your weekly update! Production Update Sam Hi folks! Looking over this and last week’s update, I felt that it might be useful to describe the current way we’re building the game, to give you context on why we’re working on the things we’re working on week on week. As you may know, we update the pre-alpha build of We Happy Few approximately once per month. We do this for several reasons. First, it helps us refine our production processes to make sure we can push out regular updates during Early Access and beyond. Secondly, we get great feedback on featur0spooky houses and 60’s music! 2015.9.12 Hey everyone! This week the team worked on integrating some story elements into the game, we finally have a build with some story cinematics! This is a huge milestone for the team and we are pretty happy about it :) We also continued to work on a new biome and various other fun things. A lot of you have been curious about the soundtrack to the game. The full soundtrack is a work in progress, as you would expect, original songs all composed by Nicolas Marquis (who, among other games, was the composer on Contrast). This week Nic wrote a very interesting0