3who love my downfall and you just too cold you show me true friend baby i was so so you might as well call me up physically you know, you got me only into extremes and i can't believe it and don't know what to think sometime around it was so love-sick now it's so sick cause they ain't no doubt love your hint is apart and the day between us wasn't enough and i know i felt good time's come i thought they stay, things are done and become word-made angels came but they left you day had let you slip away listen now burning empty still this can't be believe it or not not that happy hotel motel it's
28Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. 认真过你的生活,让死亡的恐惧永远无法入侵你的心灵。 Trouble no one about his religion. 不去亵渎别人的宗教信念。 Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours. 尊重别人的观点也要求他们尊重你的。 Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. 热爱你的生命、健全你的生命、让生命中的一切事物更加美丽。 Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. 企求你生命的长久并去服务你的人民。 Pre
121郑容和你帅呆了!!!1赵权我发现你跟李弘基一样不疯的时候真的很帅!4啊啊啊那个有爱的蘑菇头我家的key。01哎呀妈喂看得我快笑疯了。11一楼百度。 阿春,阿陈。我来这发发、0000000000002马雪阳。生日快乐!6亲爱的生日快乐!25为了防止度娘不吞我的文、一楼送给度娘0http://www.yyfc.com/play.aspx?reg_id=2272510&song_id=47626991http://ent.hunantv.com/m/20100913/759348.html0新格式: ××、________________〉〉……6我不知道是给谁的。51虽然C一下又不会怀孕,但是CL就停发XD 我有的都记不得是什么动漫了 - -55这些都是蹭来的签啊哈哈。=v= 感谢这些有爱的孩子们让我蹭签。小白走开。10你们一个个给我上高中的上高中,上重点的上重点! 阿熙你打工的给我听好了,不要太勉强自己太辛苦太劳累了知道吗! 丫的!上重点的啥的给我知道你们没努力好好读书你们就死定了! 你们知道的,我不可能会经常上了!但是我假期可以上的话还是会来的。 想我的话,记得啊,咱们发短信,短信聊! 明天哥就要奔赴考场了,在这话该说的都说完了!我31号那天放假,那是最后一个假期了! 所以,AS的好好努力加油吧!不要像阿熙那样门门挂科!6http://ent.qq.com/a/20100823/000273.htm291100827陈翔&魏晨《祝你一路顺风》@2010快乐男声5进4帮帮唱 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/0N3jONpsyZw/6100827陈翔-皮影戏《鹊桥汇》@2010快乐男声5进4 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/JlQp-Jlfuvs/