关注: 411 贴子: 1,999

  • 目录:
  • 音乐人及乐队
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    Time takes a cigarette, puts it in your mouth You pull on your finger, then another finger, then cigarette The wall to wall is calling, it lingers, then you forget Oh oh oh, you're a rock 'n roll suicide You're too old to lose it, too young to choose it And the clock waits so patiently on your song You walk past a cafe, but you don't eat when you've lived too long Oh, no no no, you're a rock 'n roll suicide Chev brakes are snarling as you stumble across the road But the day breaks instead so you hurry home Don't let the sun blast your shadow, don&#
    Xun__Dawn 9-12
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    很棒,而且比较来说 非常全,效果也好 http://www.vvpo.com/vvpo/po_4488.htm
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    sarah用她那易碎的细腻的嗓音加上jhon保守的单调的吉他编织出一个无声的暗淡的深蓝色的冷淡单调凄惨绝伦的临界空间,象地域的入口,毫无生机的音乐语言倾诉着的是心灵底层的悸动,青春靓丽的外表下流淌着的却是忧郁的血液 BBR的歌是写给所有寂寞孤独的灵魂的安魂曲
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    England Made Me 1998 1.Girl Singing in the Wreckage 2.England Made Me 3.New Baby Room 4.It's Only the End of the World 5.Ideal Home 6.Child Phychology 7.I.C. One Female 8.Uptown Top Ranking 9.Swinging 10.Kidnapping an Heiress 11.Hated Sunday 12.Wonderful Life 13.Seasons in the Sun 14.Factory Radio 15.Lord Lucan Is Missing
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    开始化妆吧 仔细地、认真地打扮你的脸 运用你的想象力 我们可以到达任何地方 我们要进行一场冒险 因为,我对爱情本身已经厌倦 童话故事的结尾却亮出了毒针 今晚,让我们放血吧 从黑潭之塔(Blackpool tower)到布莱顿码头(Brighton pier) 关掉灯的黑暗之中,我们知道没有他人 再见,晚安 蜡烛昏暗地缓缓燃烧 同样的,还有现代社会的蝴蝶 滋养出来的夜生活 只是纯粹的欲望 我们可能会遇见些老朋友 我们可以碰碰运气 我们都在紧紧地
    dwuan_321 4-19
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    England Made Me by b.b.r i trapped a spider underneath the glass i kept it for a week to see how long he last he stared right back of me he thought that he could win we played the waiting game he thought that i give in england made me england made me i had a dream last night, that i was drunk i killed the stranger, and left him in a trunk in brighton railway station it was an unsolved case a famous murder mystery people love mystery england made me england made me england made me england made me i need my privacy, i lead a secret life sleep
    listen0305 12-17
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    再见了 我信任的朋友 我们九、十岁的时候就已形影相随 一起登山爬树 一起学会ABC,学会爱 我们的膝盖和心灵都伤痕累累 再见了 我的朋友 想要死去真的不易 当鸟儿在天空中啾鸣歌唱 空气中充盈着春天的气息 帅气的男孩哪里都是 当你想到我,我就会在那里 再见爸爸 请为我祈祷吧 虽然我曾是家中的耻辱 你试图教我分辨是非黑白 太多的美酒,太多的享受 我不明白如何相处,我不能融入 再见了爸爸 想要死去真的不易 当鸟儿在
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    你可以 痛快地吞下子弹 在垂死的快感中呼吸 或者一生做个受害者 去逛街吧,但什么都别买 存起你的钱 要么就一夜之间一贫如洗 生活多么美妙 生活多么美妙 你可以接手家族生意 每天坐在柜台后等待 甚至在门上刻你的名字 过规矩的日子 学习握手寒暄 再也不需要别人的保护 当你觉得一切都完蛋了 你可以翻翻过去的照片 从中找到你曾辉煌的证据 谈场恋爱,找个新兴趣 一堆信用卡的债,一身的病 空闲的时间在
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    stopped talking when I was six years old I didn't want anything more to do with the outside world I was happy being quiet But of course they wouldn't leave me alone 请别说了当我只六岁 我不想要任何跟外面世界有关的东西 我喜欢安静地呆着 但毫无疑问他们不会对我置之不理 My parents tried every trick in the book From speech therapists to child psychologists They even tried bribery I could have anything, as long as I said it out loud 我的父母试过了书中的每个伎俩 从语言专家到幼儿心理学家 他们甚至用
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    这首歌可难翻译了T_T 我都快崩溃了... the new diana I was born a blonde, I've always been a princess A queen of hearts, now a mother Where is the replacement for the world's front cover? From one English Rose to another I want to be the new Diana Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines I want to be the new Diana Visiting the shore occasionally Shimmering blue ocean, diving in at starboard Perfection for a second away from the hoard Deep-sea fishermen toil in the sunset Dragging in a mermaid caught in the fishing-nets I want to be the new Diana (OK!, Hello) Lying o
    moneyqzz 1-7
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    这是我自己翻译的歌词,如果有什么不对的多谢指正~~阿吼~ child psychology I stopped talking when I was six years old I didn't want anything more to do with the outside world I was happy being quiet But of course they wouldn't leave me alone My parents tried every trick in the book From speech therapists to child psychologists They even tried bribery I could have anything, as long as I said it out loud Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it Of course this episode didn't last forever I'd made my
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    大家互相了解一下啦 毕竟喜欢BBR的人很少 我们要让更多人知道和喜欢 ID(有点废话……): 性别: 兴趣: 除了BBR外还喜欢的乐队(歌手): 最喜欢的歌曲: 最喜欢的BBR的歌曲: 性格: 对吧里的希望: (如果还能想到什么我再补充啦)
    WiltEmber 6-11

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会员: BBR亲

目录: 音乐人及乐队