50克里夫欧文-作品年表 (自 1981年-至今)更新中 Entertainment Tonight (1981) 罗杰斯与凯茜·李脱口秀 (1989) Precious Bane (1989) 斯蒂尔传奇 (1990) 闭上我的眼睛 (1991) 世纪 (1993) 燃烧的土地 (1993) (以上暂无图片)
2914186众所周知,欧文已跻身于英国巨星之列,而且挺进了美国好莱坞,成为好莱坞新贵。大屏幕上欧文的演技日趋成熟内敛完善,戏路越来越宽广,亦正亦邪的人物塑造越来越出色成功,得心应手,事业前途可谓一片大好。而银幕下,欧文也是一个很顾家、很爱家、很绅士、很有修养,没有丝毫不良嗜好和任何绯闻丑闻的绝世好男人!更是一个合格、称职、低调、谦逊的好丈夫、好父亲、好男人!从影那么多年以来,没有听说过欧文与任何一个合作过的女421全名 别就Larry。。1615470Clive Owen Talks About Making His Broadway Debut in ‘Old Times’ September 18, 2015 Clive Owen has chosen Fanelli Cafe in SoHo as the place to submit to an interview, and there’s a logic to that. He’s the star of “The Knick” — a television series set in Lower Manhattan at the turn of the 20th century that has featured opium dens and race riots — and Fanelli sits in a 168-year-old building that at various times served as brothel, African-American boardinghouse and speakeasy. History, though, isn’t the reason the venerable bar has become a favorite of Mr. Owen’s as he’s spen1August 22, 2015 Deadline broke the Clive Owen Valerian news. Here’s the premise of the movie, which is actually titled Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets: The intrepid Valerian and his beautiful, sharp-witted and sharp-tounged partner, Laureline, are two of the greatest agents for the vast Galaxity organization. Their missions have taken them across space and time. But now the Galaxity and their home earth have vanished as if they never existed. Along, and totally dependent on their own resources, they struggle to carve out a new life and a new future against intergalactic dangers f0August 15, 2015 The Hollywood heavyweight is following in the footsteps of Kevin Spacey, Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson and moving to the small screen with the dramatic TV series. Focusing on the lives of the staff at New York’s Knickerbocker Hospital in the 20th century, it’s an interesting ride; and Clive couldn’t agree more. “His addiction to liquid cocaine and opium often means Thackery crosses moral boundaries,” he explained to German magazine TV Direkt when asked what drew him to the character of Dr. John W. Thackery. “That’s a dream for any actor, of course!” Th78昨晚看了电视台播放的“偷心”,重播也看了,居然少了两段“重头戏”。。 一个是,裘德洛与欧文在网上YY那段,很有趣的,居然没有。。 另一个是,欧文去了酒吧看娜塔莉跳舞,与她对话那段,又给掐了。。 一点没啥可禁的。。居然全给掐了??又不是配音版。。 幸亏我有存货 话说欧文演的赖瑞真是个狡猾聪明、手段高明又很有说服力的男人,最终什么目的都达到,裘德洛演的人物,却两头落空。。22一楼度娘118一起担任的还有梅丽尔·斯特里普5这部电影剧情很好,很吸引人,构思奇妙,欧美在里面几乎很少露脸,整天蒙着脸。。不过,依然很帅,还多了一份神秘感。。4407每星期五播一集,在“尼克病院”吧里有播放的,只是没中文字幕,不知道说什么。3不会成为裘德洛之后又一个毁于脱发的帅男明星吧,貌似英国明星脱发率比较高0感谢大神!4祝欧文生日快乐!9267我是哈里贝瑞吧吧主,刚刚上传了欧文和别人九十年代合作的《魔鬼交易》的电影全集,欢迎喜欢欧文的吧友观看,这部电影的资源很少哦 http://tieba.baidu.com/%B9%FE%C0%EF%A1%A4%B1%B4%C8%F0/shipin/lis2好象是10月份,是真的吗?6没有任何理由,就是欣赏他,他成了我心中为数不多的印象深刻的超级影星4似有似无,没有印象了