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6史威登堡在《灵界记闻》里说,人死后将首先去精灵界,在精灵界提升后,再去灵界。那灵魂投胎是怎么回事?我找了半天没有答案。 &n
4191. All things in heaven appear, just as in the world, to be in place and in space, and yet the angels have no notion or idea of place an
316精神病人又如何呢?4我最近读了史威登堡的《天堂和地狱》的电子书。感觉的确是至今读过的关于生命流程的最合理的解释。但是有一个问题,那一个人,比如我,出生之前,这个7我们大家一起来交流吧,都把自己的QQ留上2怎么这么久没人来了4本文摘自尤迦南达《一个瑜伽行者的自传》第42章《复活的圣尤地斯瓦尔》。 当时我正在孟买丽晶饭店的房间里坐着,突然出现了一片耀眼的光芒,然后我看3很喜欢看你翻译的作品! 希望能经常看到你翻译的新作! 如果能天天更新的话那就最好不过了! O(∩_∩)O哈哈~!4凡·杜森相信,史威登保的“幻想”(他跟天使交谈替死者带回口信那一次),是一种受到控制的半梦半醒状态,他表示: 探索过这种状态的人觉得自己好像1急求丹波哲郎《大灵界》电影的光盘 哪里能买到?您是从哪里看的?网上从哪里搜索可以找到?百度我搜不着 求网址!!!!!!急!急!急!求QQ~ 认识的帮忙联729. There are three heavens, entirely distinct from each other, an inmost or third, a middle or second, and an outmost or first. These have11欲打造一个互助共勉的团体,一起超越自我,追求真理,成果与分红共享。1,会英语以及其他语种的优先。2,爱好IT网络技术(喜欢网站建设,美工,编程等3我们是从哪里来的,又将要到哪里去,为何而来,又为何而去,7183. As there are societies in heaven and the angels live as men, they have also places of abode, and these differ in accordance with each5116. In heaven neither the sun of the world, nor anything from that sun, is seen, because it is wholly natural. For nature has its beginni12154. By changes of state of angels their changes in respect to love and faith, and wisdom and intelligence therefrom, are meant, thus thei2这个吧不错,但是人这么少3“对于科学家们而言,从古至今,十九世纪四十年代硕果最丰、凯歌高唱:电报迅速而成功地普及;麻醉技术的发展带动了外科手术的前进;达尔文的《小猎犬4126. That there is light in the heavens those who think from nature alone cannot comprehend; and yet such is the light in the heavens that1rt