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    有在成都读书的外国学生么 可以留下联系方式交个朋友一起发展
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    liximireille 11-29
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    欢迎大家加入我们的VQ group 我们致力于通过不同形式的活动连接外国朋友和中国朋友[太阳]让大家在活动中找到自己能量,把满满的能量注入工作和生活当中,我们的组织就像一个盲盒,每一次的活动都会给你带来无限的惊喜[转圈]快来加入我们一起开启充满能量的新生活 Welcome to join in our VQ group. Our aim is to connect our foreign friends with our Chinese friends by various activities. You can find your own energy in our different activities. We will give you a surprise that just likes how the blind bo
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    Finden Sie einen deutschen Freund, der Sprachen voneinander lernt, mail:3088470@qq.com
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    We need 20 black friends and 48 friends from southern India to do face recognition test, which is very rewarding. Friends with resources contact my wechat 13508095074
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    Learn to recite ancient poetry passing on best wishes---Rabbit Lanterns DIY sharing discoveries and tasting dim sum. Free events, if you like chinese and chengdu culture, welcome to join us~~~ Limit space, so you can contact us to book it. yumin@lan-bridge.com; lilu@lan-bridge.cn
    lucielu10 9-24
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    I want to learn English, looking for foreign friends, sometimes we can get together, exchange, my WeChat :13228198916
    ppdf61 9-8
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    Join us!My friends!
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    Hi, my name is 陈恩琪. I really want to make some foreign friends. If you want to learn Chinese and 粤语, please contact with me, I will do my best to help you. My Wechat account is 18328098725. By the way, I live in ChengDU, my English is not bad, I'm learning SPANISH NOW.
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    There is a perfect place for teaching kids-english(right by the subway exit near Xinan Jiao Tong university). Looking for a foreign parter with his/her first language as english. YOU supply NOTHING but teaching practice, all the cost(rent,ultilities etc) covered by me, however,you can get high up to 50%-60% portion of all incomes!! Anyone interested contact me. Phone :15308061591 WeChat :liufeng1255630669
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    I need to recruit an overseas operator, about overseas e-commerce business, because business in Europe and the United States, I hope it is European and American people, willing to contact!
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    We are looking for Multi-language Liaison Officer! Job Description: 1.responsible for China-Europe Center to Europe and the countries along the Belt and Road External liaison work with the region; 2.responsible for domestic and foreign visitors to the China-Europe Centre Provide multi-language contact docking, public promotion, visit reception and project tracking service 3.responsible for providing foreign-related public relations for government departments, consular agencies, and foreign-related organizations department of planning, implementation, management and continuous follow-up servi
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    Part-time Job We are a professional company engaged in exit and entry consulting service, 2-3 foreign students are needed as ceremonial servers for our business development. Details are as follows: Date: March 19 (provisional) Working Hours: 1:30-5:00 PM Working Content: receiving guests and handing out gifts Working Clothes: Chinese cheongsam/Chinese formal suit Working Place: Subway Line 1, near Tongzilin Station Salary: More than RMB500 Yuan Requirement: Not limited to male or female, foreign student is the best. For female, height above 165cm; for male, above 175cm. It is better that he/sh
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    We are looking for native English speaker for teaching English and education developer !Full time job or part time job both okay!We are the first English school for educating kids from English to life in Chengdu !Please come to join our young team!phone number: 17708028202。email:simona315@sina.com。英语教育机构急招~~公司地址在成都成华区万象城华润二十四城三期。full time job or part-time job如果大家身边有外国朋友,推荐来兼职 全职。也在招聘市场推广全职 兼职,大家快来加入我们哈,待遇高高哦!详情请联系1770802
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    Hi everybody! our kindergarten is located in QingYang district,it's close to youpin street.We have a warm tong qu teaching environment, super sunshine outdoor space,and now we need a english teachers who are from the UK/USA/Canada/Austrilia/Newzealand(native speakers only),The experienced teacher best。We need you to love, passion, love of children(they are 3-5 years old). we need a part time teacher and a full time teacher part time:PM 15:30-16:30(each week 4 times. it means 4 hours) full time:PM 15:30-16:30(each week 4 times. it means 4 hours) evening class 17:30-18:30(each week 3 times
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    Did u guys ever try a special street snack named BaoJiang Tofu?
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    2018年1月27日,在成都举办了一场老外春晚,200多位来自全球的外国友人们参与本次老外春晚,在现场最吸引外国友人的项目之一,就是四川美食,本次活动协办方蜀鱼大师品牌带来了极具特色的四川美食,让老外朋友们赞不绝口,很多老外吃了之后回来都会说“好辣”“好好吃”“还要吃” 晚上6:30,《春节序曲》响起,晚会正式拉开帷幕,几位网络主播将他们的摄像头对准舞台,除了现场嘉宾,千万网友也将通过直播参与这场晚会。 12组艺人组合
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    “Everyone you meet knows something you don’t.” - Bill Nye “Collaborate with people you can learn from.” - Pharrell How can Chengdu's young innovators and entrepreneurs unite, develop their skills, and learn more as a community?
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    So many people have lost faith love, are you one of them? 很多人已经不再相信爱情,你也是吗? No Promises - Shayne Ward
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    大家现在是英语都很好么~?都看不到人喜欢练习英语~ 呜呜呜~可能自己起步较晚~~真的很想很想很想练好自己的英语~ 一个人的日子里,你能做的只有一件事: 让自己变得更加优秀 Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson
    Maxkbs9 9-22
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    I think that I*m missing you right now, read all your moments, and waiting for your message I almost can*t do anything but missing you, how could this be My firends asked me is there anybody I loved, I said no, absolutly no, but my heart said yes, I can hear it Is ther anybody can tell me, when I was fell in love with you I refused everyone just afraid the feeling of love, I*m afraid to lose someone whom I loved, till met you, yes, it*s you Maybe your smile is charming, and through my heart from the frist time when we met And I, I know that you, you just wanna playing the games without love or
    MTJKZ88 7-8
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    千可卡 2-12
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    Looking for full-time English Teacher, payment RMB 8,000 – 14,000 per month, location: Jinsha and China Overseas International Center; Requirements: 1. At least one year experience in teaching children; 2. Native speaker from US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand; 3. Bachelor degree or above; 4. Below 55 years old. Pleas send CV to 15082343670@163.com if you are interested.
    鸢95 12-23
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    成都语风汉教中心以国际汉语教育为特色,致力于为在华外企员工、移居家庭、留学生并推及全球有汉语言文化学习需求者提供专业、有趣、轻松、高效的汉语言中文教育服务。 不论你是想学习生活,工作,商务还是旅游汉语,或者只是简单的想结交一些中国朋友,了解中国文化,我们都可以为您提供必要的帮助。
    语风汉语 12-19
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    We are a foreign-related one-stop intergrated service operater, we provide house-renting, job hunting, tourism and visa services for foreigners, if you have above problems in Chengdu, please let me konw. Welcome to our website: http://livinginchengdu.com
    鸢95 11-28
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    阳妈991 11-10
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    Hsksjshs 10-12
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    如果成都朋友想要多和外国人对话,或者去正宗的西餐厅,可以选择科华北路蓝色加勒比二楼的餐吧:The spot 和 同样地方的酒吧 : Jellyfish 这是成都公认外国人最多的地方 也是最正宗的地方 正宗的外国厨师,正宗的外国调酒师,正宗的外国西餐厅,正宗的外国酒吧 无论是氛围,还是音乐,营业,都是国外的模式 你可以在那里随意和外国人聊天,很多国家的人 锻炼你的英语,让自己在国内也能为自己找到一个更好的语言环境
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    现有几张欢乐谷门票需要转让,,,70每张,,全票,,先到先得哦 电联18048598823
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    Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people. 花多一点时间为自己做事,少一点时间去取悦别人 Halo - Beyoncé

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