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    are you happy?today?
    mifala76 6-8
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    Hi everyone, English is my first language, if you have any questions about it, just send me an e-mail. I could understand Mandarin and speak a little but just 不太好! Regards, Ken englishin35seconds@gmail.com
    mifala76 6-8
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    在美国待了4年,回国之后,感觉自己英语能力严重下降。于是开始找英语圈子,但是我发现很多群商业化气息浓重,总让我付费学习。于是我建了个群,就希望没事的时候,大家一起互相帮助练练口语。群里不定时的可以用英语聊天,大家听不懂的可以用中文提问,目前群里有一个是我朋友,她现在是英语老师,希望她能帮助我及一些英语小白一起把英语练习好,总之,想进步的私信我。 【我会将群二维码分享给你,广告狗就别进了,恶熏。】
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    I'm looking for an English-speaking partner, if it appeals to you , and you happen to live in Hangzhou , ideally nearby Sandun , pls contact me without any hesitation.
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    Is there a small group sessions with partners want to teach, Study Duration 32 months, we can learn, share at low prices. ( haha ) You can also add me interested in micro - letter 15065719372
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    please someone help me to manage this app. I downloaded it, but lost in here. just managed to search a brief in English word.
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    follow my official account to study English well
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    xiaoyuer280 11-28
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    麦仑辰 3-28
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    想不想一起跟老美口语交流?体验最地道的口音,建立你英语的标准发音。为大家打造最纯粹的native English学习环境。大家都是来这里学习进步的,所以请友善。英语交流qq群:141049898.
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    我呢,是一个公司的老员工,近几年公司对英语要求提高,所以我想找个好的英语培训机构学习英语,提高英语水平。对于学生而言,学校是学习英语的好地方。但是,对于我们这些工作的人来说,英语培训机构才是上上之选。听朋友说,美联英语是一家不错的英语培训机构,对英语学习帮助很大,提高很快。 我特意去网上查了查美联英语这家英语培训机构,发现美联英语是一家优秀的英语培训机构,得到了众多社会人士的认可。近些年,美联英语
    Academy6 9-28
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    美联英语是国内专业英语能力培训的知名品牌,倡导体验式英语教育理念,是目前国内体验式英语教育先锋之一。几年前,社会上就流传着这样一句话:未来几年人类必须掌握的三大技能是英语、驾驶、计算机。英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。美联英语将助您激发语言天赋,熟练使用英语。 美联英语是一家专业从事高端英语培训的教育机构。总部位于中国深圳,目前在全国拥有80多家分校。它以独创的
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    奔跑的xlx 2016-09
    What a sclient day!
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    1 额滴神啊!Oh my God! 2 闭嘴吧你!Shut the fuck up! 3 忽悠谁呐?Are you kidding? 4 胡说八道!Totally nonsense! 5 我看行!It will work! 6 我晕! You are killing me! 7 你就得瑟吧! You think you pretty cool,huh? 8 碉堡了! Freaking awesome! 9 胡说八道!Bullshit! 10 一言为定!Deal! 11 拜托了。Please! 12 明白?Understand? 13 真差劲!Rats! 14 听着!Listen! 15 太棒了!Bravo! 16 对啦!Bingo! 17 让我来!Follow me! 18 毫无疑问!Absolutely! 19 当然了!Definitely! 20 万岁!Hurray!
  • 5
    Englishstory 吧 我是这个吧的吧主 如果大家对英语故事有兴趣 就来关注一下Englishstory吧 谢谢大家 请搜Englishstory吧 并关注谢谢
  • 160
    malio3 2014-01
    Is 600 yuan a month enough for you to survive at college? Give your opinions on monthly expenses.
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    I am shenfan.i am a dog of a man called huanghan.i married a cat called jixiang.she is ugly.however,i love her very much because of her ugliness.we make lovely happily in a night.a snake was born soon.we are very happy.we provide him with good
    fipo 10-31
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    malio3 2013-11
    Have you accustomed to college life? How do you feel?
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    NIKITA13145 11-18
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    just so so
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    我认为能说出地道英语的人肯定要掌握一定的俚语,就像中国的成语一样,四个字,一针见血。一天一点点,一周见效,疗效杠杠得! 1 it’s never too late to learn 1 学习永远不嫌晚;活到老,学到老 2 Leave well enough alone. 2 维持现状;适可而止 3 on a first-name basis 3 直呼其名(很熟的) 4 Nothing to write home about 4 没什么值得说的;不值一提 5 packed in like sardines 5 挤得要命;水泄不通 学英语找Thankyou 英语俱乐部!贴心服务! 电话:15321515380 安娜 地址:北京朝阳区
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    When you had fallen to the bottom of your life, every people around you would tell you: Be hard-bitten and be happy! To be hard-bitten would be necessary, but be happy? Even in that serious occasion? But you should at least keep calm, calmly facing and calmly treating. If you have obtained the calmness, without happy and without unhappy, you then have possessed the power for rebirth. 在你跌入人生谷底的时候,你身旁所有的人都告诉你:要坚强,而且要快乐!坚强是绝对需要的,但是快乐?在这种情形下,恐怕是太为难你了。但是至少可以做
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    莜面凉皮 Cold oat noodles ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 更多交流,请加入群☞:305896120,谢谢 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 枣花馍 Steamed jujube flower bun 红烧肉 Braised pork in brown sauce 泡菜鱼 Stewed fish in pickles 各种泡菜 all kinds of pickles 西瓜酱 Watermelon jam 虾子焖茭白 Shrimp roe stewed with cane shoots 蒲菜水饺 Cattail dumplings 奶汤蒲菜 Stewed cattail in milky soup 蒲笋干烧肉 B
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    为了更好的交流,请加入群:305896120,谢谢 (一)时间是金,其值无价 Time is money. (时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金) Time flies. (光阴似箭,日月如梭) Time has wings. (光阴去如飞) Time is a file that wears and makes no noise. (光阴如锉,细磨无声) Time stays not the fool's leisure. (时间不等闲逛的傻瓜) Time and I against any two. (和时间携起手来,一人抵两人) Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself. (时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命
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    ymyxc 6-6
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    何义斌 2013-12
    Every man dies.not every man really lives--braveheart每个人都会死去,并不是所有的人都能真正的活着。
    ymyxc 5-28
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      2. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!    3. Leave me alone. 走开。    4. Get lost..滚开!    5. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。    6. You piss me off. 你气死我了。    7. How dare you! 你敢!    8. Cut it out. 省省吧。    9. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。   10. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!
    ymyxc 5-28
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    malio3 2014-01
    Do you believe in cyber love? And why?
    墨香树 1-3
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    何义斌 2013-12
    do nor for one repulse,for go the purpose that you resolved to effort不要因为一次挫折就放弃你原来决心要达到的目标。 if you should put oven a little on a little and should do this often,soon this too would become big伟大的事情是通过不懈努力一砖一瓦堆起来的。
    何义斌 12-26
  • 77
    Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memories have been good.
    刘根瑞 12-26
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    if you black tiger me i willmountain you this beyond!
    铅祫 12-23
  • 64
    malio3 2013-12
    Can money buy everything? Give your opinions.
    你搁哪呢 12-16
  • 152
    malio3 2013-12
    Is it better for a woman to find a good husband than to find a god job? Give your own opinions.
    墨香树 12-22
  • 89
    malio3 2013-12
    Are you interested in participating in the work of the Students' Union or your own class? Give your reasons.
    malio3 12-19
  • 197
    malio3 2013-12
    Do you believe in campus love? And why?
    malio3 12-19
  • 26
    A Grain of Sand 一粒沙子 William Blake/威廉.布莱克 To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild fllower, Hold infinity in the p
    刘根瑞 12-18
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    Just One Last Dancing------Sarah Connor
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    经典电影中经典台词 Classical Lines from Classical Movies
    Alanc_Hilda 12-15

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