2When you say "onset", it makes me think of the onset of a disease or condition or some other thing that you don't really want. (The OED says "The beginning of some (esp. unpleasant) situation, condition, or state".) Examples that I have found on the internet include "onset of winter", "onset of a cold", "onset of puberty". The "outset" is more like the beginning of an event, like you're setting out on an adventure. (The OED says "The action or fact of setting out upon a journey, course of action, business, etc.".) Th
0经核实吧主恩jae 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 juneenglish吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0千万别说You did good. good一般形容人的品质好或东西的质量好,那形容事情的完成度好用什么呢 应该用You did well.
25You have pot ? 你有大麻?
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