关注: 85 贴子: 196


  • 目录:
  • 软件及互联网产品
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    因为有限时优惠,买了一个月无限流量,想把百度盘资料转到onedrive,发现巨坑: 1。即使我百度盘是SVIP,传资料速度还是巨慢,还没自己下载再上传速度快。 2。没断点续传功能,传了几天好不容易看到进度条90%了,结果一觉起来,从60%重新传。
    xwzh0510 5-29
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    {"msg":"Failed to download the file","reason":"Bandwidth Limit Exceeded","status":400} 100MB的文件都是这样
    baka2 7-20
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    这个大家别再试了 花70订阅了一个月的 亲测没用 别被坑了 这个只能传小文件 我试过8G文件100%失败!!!
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    guibin320 1-22
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    一点速度都没有........不开vip没有 开了也没有
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    LiuONEM 7-31
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    有一个类似multcloud的软件htyp:// 有ios,win32,linux 的app
    科啉 7-22
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    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
  • 47
    雨田155 9-19
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    阿虚 1-9
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    MultCloud(, a free web app which focuses on transferring and syncing across multi-clouds. Sign up to earn free 2TB traffic and there’s unlimited free data traffic waiting for you.
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    MultCloud(, a free web app which focuses on transferring and syncing across multi-clouds. Sign up to earn free 2TB traffic and there’s unlimited free data traffic waiting for you.
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    MultCloud(, a free web app which focuses on transferring and syncing across multi-clouds. Sign up to earn free 2TB traffic and there’s unlimited free data traffic waiting for you.
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    alfredzuo 12-11
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    tSounds 2016-12
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
    tSounds 12-8
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    真星月 2016-12
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
    真星月 12-8
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    chafer 2016-12
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
    chafer 12-1
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    可以备份到google drive,国内可以通过multcloud直接访问
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    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
    子墨冬来 10-22
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    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
    子墨冬来 10-22
  • 0
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
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    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
  • 0
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
  • 0
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
    Q1565730756 10-16
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    贾聪2154 2016-09
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
  • 0
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
  • 0
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
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    zc640618 2016-06
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
    zc640618 6-8
  • 1
    MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
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    MultCloud 今天打不开了,你们的呢?
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目录: 软件及互联网产品