21月9日,2021年ocp 19c首考成绩出炉
7CUUG的ORACLE OCP题库系列,从2018年5月10日第1次开讲,到现在已经满100期,2年多的时间积累了很多OCP考试原题,2年多的时间讲解了很多OCP考点,2年多的时间让众多OCP考生顺利通过OCP考试。 100场的OCP题库解析,你会发现CUUG是值得依赖的机构。 在以后的周五晚上8点,OCP题库解析还会继续讲解。
0Choose the best answer. Exanine the desciption of the EMPLOYEES table: Nane Null Type ---------------------------------------------------------- EMP_ID NOT NUL NUMBER EMP_NAME VARCHAR2 (40) DEPT_ID NUMBER(2) SALARY NUMBER(8,2) JOIN_DATE DATE Which query is valid? A) SELECT dept_id, join_date, SUM(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id,join_date; B) SELECT depe_id,join_date, SUM(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id: C) SELECT dept_id,MAX (AVG (salary)) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id; D) SELECT dept_ id,AVG (MAX (salary)) FROM employees GROUP BY dapt_id; Anser:A (解析:sum 函数如果
03.A database is open read write and the instance has multiple sessions some of which have active transactions. You execute this command: SQL> ALTER SYSTEM ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION; Which three are true about the active transactions? A) They may continue to issue dml statements. B) They may issue commit or rollback statements. C) They may continue to issue queries. D) They are suspended and unable to issue any statements. E) They are terminated immediately. F) They are rolled back automatically. Answer:ABC (解析:把数据库变成限制会话状态,只会对以后的登录有影响
02.Which three statements are true about pfiles, spfiles or both? A) All spfile parameters can be modified successfully with the scope=both clause. B) A spfile can be created by an idle instance. C) spfiles and pfiles may both be edited with an O/S editing utility. D) Some spfile parameters can be modified successfully with the scope=memory clause. E) A pfile can be created by an idle instance. F) All spfile parameters can be modified successfully with the scope=memory clause. Anser:BDE (解析:spfile 和 pfile 可以互相转换,而且不需要实例启动,参数分为静态参数和
01.One of your databases has archive logging enabled and RMAN backups are taken at regular intervals. The data file for the users tablespace is corrupt. Which command must you execute before starting the recovery of this tablespace ? A) SWITCH DATAFILE ALL; B) ALTER TABLESPACE users OFFLINE TEMPORARY; C) STARTUP FORCE D) ALTER TABLESPACE users OFFLINE IMMEDIATE; E) ALTER TABLESPACE users OFFLINE NORMAL; Answer:D (解析:由于数据文件损坏,所以表空间无法正常 offline,会报错,只能用 immediate 选项。)
1OCP新出来的考题解析分开课 目前,052讲了14次课,200多道原题, 053正在讲 地址:ke.qq.com/course/326223 OCP讨论与资料群:569933648 / 836361015 验证:ocp
03、Which structure can span multiple data files? A) a permanent tablespace B) a bigfile tablespace C) a temporary tablespace D) a segment E
2重庆思庄Oracle OCP认证6月11日周末班即将开班啦,目前正在火热报名中。