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    给大家发下Aboboo的邀请链接啊,http://www.aboboo.com/account/signup/zj2usd/ Aboboo的首页是这样介绍自己的: 广受赞誉的口语训练工具,针对发音、语调、流利度、音量精确评分,帮助您快速提高口语水平。 托福考试的必备听写工具,音视频自动分句,词、句、篇三种听写模式,实时纠错,自动批改。 功能强大的影音学习工具,独特的双波形复读操控,波形同步显示,便于选取区间重点复读。 自由分享的课件制作工具,制作课件并分享,同时获得别人分享的
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    vanillasxw 10-31
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    大家最近都在忙什么呢? 我看有很多同学都有在背单词,听听力。群里也开始进行英文的聊天方式了。。。 贴吧被晾了太久,大家都回来吧,随便说点什么!
    莘燁 9-24
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    我正在看的破产姐妹,太贫了。 各位都在看神马?
    vanillasxw 8-30
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    莘燁 7-16
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    昨天和Hebe、Sandra讨论到俚语,今天就先学几句吧! 1.keep one's shirt on保持冷静 Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just the way he talks. 保持冷静。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。 2.cool it冷静一点 Cool it. You are making me mad. 冷静一点。你快把我逼疯了。 3.joy ride兜风 Let's go for a joy ride. 让我们去兜兜风。 4.come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐 Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her. Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。 5.come easily 易如反掌 Languages come
    vanillasxw 6-20
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    构词法能带给你什么 先记一个表示mad的词缀,mania——意思是疯狂,病态。 然后再来看看以下的词: mania: n. 癫狂,躁狂,癖好,狂热 persecution mania 被害妄想症 (persecution: 迫害,困扰) religious mania (心理)宗教 狂 egocentric mania 自我中心狂,极端自私自利 (ego-自我;centr-中心;ic的) maniac: adj.发狂的,癫狂的,疯狂的 n.(医学)躁狂(症)者,疯子 kleptomania: n.盗窃癖 (klepto盗窃;mania癖好) kleptomaniac: 有盗窃癖的人 pyromania: n. 放火癖,放火狂(pyr
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    thatched cottage tile-roofed house hut slum lean-to penthouse barracks tent camp retreat
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    1.希腊诗人,卡瓦菲斯《城市》 这首诗很短,从微博上看到的,当时就被触动。原文如下:
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    CIVILIZATION--By Crazy Horse We did not ask you white men to come here. The Great Spirit gave us this country as a home. You had yours. We did not interfere with you. The Great Spirit gave us plenty of land to live on, and buffalo, deer, antelope and other game. But you have come here; you are taking my land from me; you are killing off our game, so it is hard for us to live. Now, you tell us to work for a living, but the Great Spirit did not make us to work, but to live by hunting. You white men can work if you want to. We do not interfere with, you, and again you say, why do you not become c
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    b 1.b 在词尾,前有m 时,不发音。 comb, climb, lamb 2.bt在词中或词尾时,b 不发音。 doubt, debt, doubtless g 1.gn在词首或词尾时,g 不发音。 gnarl (树木的)节,瘤 gnaw 啃,咬(断),折磨,使烦恼 sign, foreign 2.gm在词尾时,g 不发音。 diaphragm (照相机等的)快门,光圈,(解剖学)横隔膜
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    Baby boomers People born after World War II up until1964; it is called a “boom” because there was a large increase in the number of births in these years. Baby boomers still represent a very large part of the American population. Therefore, they greatly influence the politics and economyof the country.
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    一个大黄,口语95。一个小小佳,口语92。 感觉很满意。 两人在口语中的听力接收,都很好! 高兴!!哇哈哈哈哈。。。。 继续加油!!!
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    Crazy Horse Crazy Horse, a prominent member of the Sioux nation. He was a mystic who was both admired and feared by many. He was the leader of the Oglala Sioux nation in the northern part of the United States. Crazy Horse, Crazy Horse led fights against European settlers. No photos exist of Cray Horse, who thought that photographs trap the soul. 当欧洲人入侵的时候,他是怎么说的呢?他的感受,也就是美洲土著人的感受。。。 请注意一点,至今,仍有些印第安人不喜欢别人给他们照相——真的是因为从内心害怕灵魂被摄取一部分
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    Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 and traveled to the New World for the first time in 1492. He planned to reach India by sailing west. He reached the Bahamas (October 12), then visited Cuba and Hispaniola (Haiti), where he left a small colony. He returned in 1493 and 1498, but was less successful. He died in Spain in 1506. Amerigo Vespucci Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explore. He traveled to the New World after Columbus in 1499,and he explored the coast of Venezuela. He is said to have discovered the American mainland in 1497. 他们两个人,都是新大陆的发
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    country -seat palace mansion manor manor house anchhouse country-house tenement dormitory cottage
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    storied building multi-storey building single-storey house bungalow skyscraper high-rise walkup apartment garden apartment flats Western-style house villa country villa
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    pear plum apricot grape persimmon cherry pineapple pomegranate date lemon strawberry lychee loquat sugar cane haw lotus seed mulberry areca olive coconut pomelo watermelon peanut walnut melon seed sunflower seed raisin dried persinnon chestnut water chestnut mango
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    salt table salt edible oil cooking oil vegetable oil animal oil lard soy sauce vinegar sugar gourmet powder pepper spice ginger aniseed curry mustard condiment seasoning garlic green Chinese onion sauce cooking starch
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    sweetmeats candy sweets confectionery preserves chocolate toffee gum chewing gum sugar cube sugar brown sugar refined sugar cane sugar crystal sugar rock candy honey dates mild powder biscuit soda biscuit cookie cracker cake layer cake jam preserved fruit can tin canned food tinned food 以下是饭后一支烟时间。。。 cigar cigarette filter-tipped cigarette cut tobacco tobacco leaf snuff
    Vksue 5-14
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    drinks wine liquor grape wine chanmpagne brandy whisky beer white spirits red wine white wine vodka rum cold drink cooling drink hot drink coffee cocoa milk sour milk soybean bilk ice-cream ice sucker lemonade orangeade orange juice pineapple juice aerated water soda water coca-cola malted drink cream honey royal jelly tea black tea green tea strong tea weak tea scented tea
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    staple food cooked rice steamed bread steamed rolls noodles noodles in soup porridge congee bread sandwich friedcake pancake dumpling bun cake pie griddle cake oatmeal rolls toast hamburger hot dog 前几篇,主要给出的是一些大家不太知道的词。 这篇开始,大家较熟悉的词也给出。做一个总的类归吧。
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    brunch luncheon high tea midnight snack refreshments feast banquet repast fare cookout refection ordiary clambake potluck 以上是总类。明天起,是分类。
    莘燁 4-26
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    pupil schoolchild college student frshman sophomore junior senior graduate undergraduate postgraduate research student day student boarder auditor dropout schoolmate classmate
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    这里面,有三种校长,但都不一样。 schoolmaster deputy schoolmaster principal vice-principal president vice-president dean college head department head faculty head teacher special-grade teacher tuor assistat lecturer instuctor professor associate professor honorary professor visitig professor reader teaching staff
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    arithmetic algebra trigonometry plane geometroometr solid geometry analytical geomety calculus physiology elementary science fine arts calligraphy pedagogy psychology compulsory subject required course optioal subject selective subject specialized course
    Celia_lr 4-23
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    网上购物 shopping online 网上订单 online order 下订单 place an order 追查订单 track the order 邮购 mail order 快递 express 平邮 standard 手续费 handling fee
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    莘燁 4-16
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    2014年3月17日,VOH成人英语学校即将搬到新地址。 新地址仍然是SOHO现代城,大家不用担心会搬到很远的地方去。 只不过是从原来的B座搬到了D座。 请大家进入D座后,乘坐最左边的两部高层电梯,到21层的2101。 请不要走错呦!!!!
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    昨晚在看破产姐妹,第三季,第18季里面的蛋糕师看上了Caroline,为此蛋糕师要为Caroline和老婆离婚,而Caroline要到蛋糕师的家里解释,其实她们没有什么,并且今后也不会有什么事情发生。正在此时,蛋糕师的老婆来了,而蛋糕师让Caroline和Max躲一躲,在卫生间里。这时Max戏谑Caroline为:Lucy。 下面是图片哦!
    VOH_Elaine 3-14
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    到现在了,再有两天就一个礼拜了,MH730到现在什么都没找到,全都是疑似物品。 高科技远没有我们想象的那么高!
    莘燁 3-13
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    1.几种测试 1) quiz:a game of asking someone to give correct answers 有看过年代秀吗?里边每一道题那都是quiz啊。 2)exam:a test of a particular subject 所以我们每一科目的考试都是exam 3) test:a way of discovering what someone knows or someone's quality 那么test应用最广了,有时不仅仅是考试,甚至是考验。
    莘燁 3-11

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