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  • 目录:
  • 机械制造
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    再也不见 英文翻译
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    Customer satisfaction with order fulfillment in retail supply chains: implications of product type in electronic B2C transactions
    c8_r04 12-23
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    The younger son , on learning that he would inherit nothing ,went to another land, where he served hid apprenticeship and learned a trade. The elder son lived at home and learned nothing ,konwing that someday be would be rich
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    麻烦各位了 帮忙翻译这句“世间仅此一件” 作为广告语 一定要语句优美 且让人印象深刻 谢谢大家了!
    daniao568 10-7
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    ceramic.catastrophe.stock market.building industry.用以上单词各造一句句子.谢谢啦!
    c8_r04 10-6
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    B798851285 10-5
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    马里奥 9-18
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    青岛交友QQ群,刚建的,多来点人,聊聊天 群号7529399
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    F2j2j2 2014-06
    F2j2j2 6-29
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    The Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, MESIC 2013 From JIT to Seru, for a production as lean as possible 这是题目
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    激光唱片怎么翻译 缩写是CD
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    123haikyy 9-13
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    Nowadays,with the rapid development of advanced technology, more and more computers are commonly and widely used in daily life, we are indeed coming into the computer age. The popularity of computers will have a great influence on our work, study and everyday life. at first, the computer really facilitate our life. With the help of computers, we can even deal with our work at home,enjoying music at the same time. With the computer's camera, we may take photos to our heart's content, keeping happy occasions as a permanent memory. Besides,we can watch TV shows on computer, it is convenient for
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    Do not delay work was focused on the immediate 这里得Do用ing么,我用软件翻译出来的,没有ing
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    A rad thing in life is when you meet someone who me ans a lot to you,only to find out in the end th.
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    xylan 6-15
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    :"sheldon,be nice."///"I'm sorry,it's the bad boy attitude that comes with this hair"///~~~AHHHHH~~I love sheldon~~bazinga~~
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    我女朋友发给我一句话,不知怎样理解, sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect意思是,有时候,最适合你的人,恰恰是你最没想到的那个,我有些愚屯,不知怎样回复我的知心爱人,望大家给我一些建议,谢谢大家了
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    请问这句话怎么翻译? 1.the proactive challenge 2.the lnfluence challenge 3.the Reality challenge
    畅畅sama 1-16
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    Valid Purchase Date Purchase Date not Validated A validated purchase date lets Apple quickly find your product and provide the help you need. Telephone Technical Support: Active Telephone Technical Support: Expired --> Your product is eligible for complimentary telephone technical support during the first 90 days. Estimated Expiration Date: March 3, 2012 More about complimentary support Contact Apple Support Repairs and Service Coverage: Active --> Your product is covered for eligible hardware repairs and service under Apple's Limited Warranty. Estimated Expiration Date: December 3, 2012
    畅畅sama 1-16
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    原文如下 翻译成英文 我坏 但如果能牵住你的手,我永远不会放开。 感激不尽。
    畅畅sama 1-16
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    Tell me why this should suffice I hold you through the night Now will I let it go Soon I'll let it go l let it go 翻译一下 3Q
    祁花释 1-16
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    error load:invalid map fily maps\lago .map 是什么意思。
    祁花释 1-16
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    wish you to live with some nice guy. a simple sentence. and wish you to make progress. I've got an adorable,someone else,I wish you'd huged by the irresistable 特别是后面那一句!!
    Auoet丶 1-9
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    诚心买的朋友请于我联系15223208883 13372705958 没得耍事问起耍的就不要骚扰了哈 图片改天上,车子绝对没问题,我还是加的97号的油!!!要的速度哈
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    随着中国经济的快速发展,市场竞争的日记激烈,员工心理健康将对企业发展发挥越来越大的作用,而身处于企业中的员工进行的心理危机干预作为保障员工健康的重要方式,已经组建成为企业能否获得稳定发展的潜在因素。 在未来5-10年内,心理危机干预在中国必然会有一个飞速发展,企业必须建立以人为本的先进理念,积极进入心理危机干预项目,才能在激烈的竞争中保持长远发展。在帮助员工解决可能其工作表现和健康问题的多种策略的整合,
    致耐rko 5-22
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    None of your busines 是什么意思
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    Studies by Hargrave and Green estimated that natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for field conditions using the known population density of grazes.
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    摘要:钢琴的学习不仅是掌握音乐和演奏技巧的练习过程,更是自身修养不断完善的过程,而演出更是必不可少的.在整个演奏过程中,复杂的心理活动贯穿始终,因此钢琴演奏离不开心理调节.本文结合自己在弹奏中的紧张心理 ,抓住紧张心理产生的根源,对症下药,采用有效的方法进行自我心理调节,克服紧张心理,从而不断的提高自己的弹奏水平和心理承受能力,获得良好的演奏心理。本文就钢琴演奏过程中的心理调节这一问题进行探究,希望通过对
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    急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急! 求一个CF 战队名子 最好带格式的! 要英文的! 谢谢!
    弱疯子 10-21
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    A rad thing in life is when you meet someone who me ans a lot to you,only to find out in the end th.
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    511860797 4-19
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    Becduse of you life like running water whicn is placid
    Y与鱼 3-27
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    I most love human:      You know, I like you!      Perhaps, I am only in a your life traveler, but
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    工作中, 有事请直入主题
    xhx6611 11-25

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会员: 英汉词典

目录: 机械制造