0English must be pointed out to be important句子中谓语动词只能有一个为啥这里可以有俩个beIf there is a dream,success will be achieved sooner or later这句话if为啥可以加到there be前面呀 这句话为啥可以出现俩个谓语动词(is,will be)哥哥姐姐们求解太想学会英语了
0为什么不是necessary knowledge?能分析一下这两个词里面的成分吗?有啥讲究吗
6It is hard to express how profound a change college represents in the lives of new students:请问这句是什么句式,?
4he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia。请问这句话的in Australia是定语还是状语,谢谢!
0As far as I know,he didn't pass the exam.这句话中,as 引导的是什么从句呀
5哪位哥哥姐姐能帮忙看下,挑出每一句中的错误 1) A rent charge is the right to receive an annual sum out of the income of land every year. 2) All of the solutions considered so far have only involved Legendre functions of even order. 3) Before spelling out exactly what this means, it is worth first asking whether translating machinery is necessarily irreversible. 4) Being in charge, the accusation was particularly annoying to me. 5) However, there were other patients whose lives had ended by suicide.
2一句歌词“Let's spare some time and I will give to you summer wine" 这里是出于押韵考虑把give和to之间的summer wine后置了吗?
3he is my friend of next-door。
11、Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door 2、He calls at every house in the street once a month 在《应时新概念》看到这两句话。作者说第一句是主谓结构,主语the beggar,谓语knock,at my door是状语。他说第二句是主谓宾结构。 请问是这样吗?我以为两句都是主谓宾。
6It is against that background that the information commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, has issued her damning verdict against the Royal Free hospital trust under the NHS, which handed over to DeepMind the records of 1.6 million patients' rights and their expectations of privacy. 请问上面的句子成分怎么分析啊?
2opinions on whether college stuends should open online shops vary.
1高中人教版必修二32页,原句为,However,the more polite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked.求助,这后半句的it is是什么语法结构?是形式主语吗?是强调句吗?为啥不是the less likely it is that you will be attacked呢?翻来翻去也没找到什么东西可以解释这里没有that的
1请教各位老师,Let us come and share what we have learned from our teachers 中的we have能否省略,是怎样的规则呢?
1It is a golden chance for you to learn more about Chinese culture.这句话for后面是作定语还是壮语呢?感谢大佬们
16求教..本人大学已经毕业了..但是语法完全不会..之前考试全靠感觉...而且对语法的考察也不太细 现在想恶补所有语法 应该怎么学...谢谢
4the reason which I do not eat is I have already taken.这个句子reason后面能跟which吗?为什么?
0申请人:@吗连同1723 申请感言:吧内长期没有吧主,吧内信息杂乱,希望可以通过自己的经验为同学们提供帮助,同时规范吧内发言,优化吧内风气,让本吧得到更好的发展,服务更多的吧员。
1如何解析这句语法结构: Israeli opposition leader says deal reached to form govt to oust Netannyahu.
1My hometown I was born in the northernmost part of China. My hometown is a very small town which is located in Heilongjiang province. My hometown is very different from Beijing, there’s no famous buildings, museums, theatres, parks, factories and so on. You can say there’s nothing there in spite of rich land. People in there are hardworking for generations. It spent my childhood there. Although I have left for Beijing since 7, but I really remember many beautiful memories there. In there ,summer is very comfortable, the temperature is about the range of 15-25 centigrade degrees, but winter
2I wonder what we we'll learn about green travel 句子是否正确?
1求大佬分析下句子结构 Mayblum would be one of thousands cast into an extraordinary purgatory that morning. For some,it was a matter of geography-- not just which tower they worked in or on which floor,but in which corner of the building.
5Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than an exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise. 各位大佬,请问vague和precise这两个词,是修饰answer还是question?
135In Chinese coastal factories labor shortages have led to both higher wages and more options------unskilled labors can work. A. for where B.in where C. for which D.in which
1在一份标准上看到一句话: No requirement for accessories and yarns made from inorganic materials,respecting the requirements regarding biological active products. 请教:这个respecting the requirements regarding biological active products.句子应用的语法有那些,句子成分如何理解? 对于无机材料制成的辅料和纱线无特定要求,遵守有关生物活性产品要求。(官方的翻译) 其实意思是:生物活性产品要遵守这个要求(标准前面提到的重金属要求)(一些纱线是生物活性材料制成的,而生物活性
5关于concern这个词的用法,某节课讲义里有这么一个例句: The news which film-making is concerned has been spreading fast. 有关电影制作的消息不胫而走。 请问大家认为这个句子是不是有毛病?我认为正确的说法是: The news(which is)concerned with film-making has been spreading fast. ps:concerned 形容词作后置定语,which is 可省略
2Yesterday saw hand-to-hand combat in the city 这个句子主语是什么 yesterday么? 还可以这么玩?
5请问大家,he must be in want of a wife这句里为什么不能去掉in这个词啊?是个固定搭配吗?
3As long as we all do can we win.对不对,我真不会语法还是, As long as we all do,we can win.
5语法】Children will know how hard it is for their parents to go work求大神分析 句子 成分 大体上是不是 children是主语 will 谓语 know后面全部是宾语 how引导的是宾语从句? hord 怎么翻译 it is是什么意思?搞不懂啊 求告知 谢谢how hard it is for their parents to go work 的成分分析真的不懂 hard 为什么在前面 是倒装吗? it 代指的什么?
3一般都主语直接接 got to,表示必须怎样怎样,所以怀疑原句语法错误。
9On-location production work, often planned years in advance, has beenrescheduled at great cost. ——《Will Hollywood go dark?》 如题,在这个句子中at great cost为什么用at表示原因而不用for
1Twice had he suggested that Qing government send students to study in the United States. 这句话中为啥用过去完成时?twice提句首要用倒装吗?
5You have been violated the traffic regulations。 请问这句英文语法有误吗?
7听说贴吧大佬多,萌新求解答。They spent a peaceful night at the beach counting stars. 这句话的语法求大佬解读一下