3If it is a normal cat,it wouldn't be want beef noodles 大神看看这是不是虚拟语气小学生不懂事!!
1请问这句是虚拟语气吗?是怎么个构造呢?依据是什么?谢谢! Foes would be quick to accuse him of selling out the co
0Girls and women feel it is crucial that they be liked by their peers.
0各位,有没有虚拟语气的教学视频呢? 谢谢谢
60 0为啥我这么喜欢虚拟语气??心理变态???
61 The young wonman insisted that her husband( )Bob's bicycle. A.not steal B.not to steal C.wouldn't have stolen D.hadn't st
7His failure in the experiment suggested that he_____his teacher's proper instructions. A.shouldn't have followed B.should not follow C.mustn
01rt,,,subjunctive1下面是题,请高人指点 Why didn'tyou buy a new car ? ----I would have bought one if I__enough money A.had B.have had C. would have D.had had0本吧包括了时尚休闲类的所有分类有笑话,旅游,情感等等 希望吧主添加时尚休闲吧110啥比吧主1哇哇14特别推荐 [锦上](不一定以锦上为主) 《〖谁还记得〗之 华年》 《初蝉(はつぜみ)》 《No.24》第一部 《No.24》第二部 《No.24》第三部(坑中2由我先说,最好把百度试听地址留下,好让大家试听交流。 逝去的爱情-----百度MP3试听http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&rn=&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&w1三四百字~用英语…谢谢·8我想握着你的手 你曾经辛酸地对我说:"我们就像两只见不得光的小老鼠,永远躲躲藏藏。"我沉默良久,却说不出话来。 曾经很羡慕女孩子,为什么8231402366173891809953121212735931话说~~拖了N久DI东西啊~~ 偶还使决定在这两天把它结束掉~~至少在放假之前吧~~ 讷~~偶觉得偶写的很烂哦~~ 说起来就是因为觉得自己的笔头太烂,当年