3听说买金封号只能用im换 怎么换
0经核实吧主靑訷 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 dragonsaga吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0亲爱的dragonsaga吧的吧友们:大家好! “靑訷”为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计0张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准@靑訷,为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发展建设,也请广大吧友进行监督。如出现违规问题,请至贴吧反馈中心进行反馈或者投诉http://tieba.baidu.com/pmc/reportBazhu
0申请人:靑訷 申请感言:过好当下,只管拼搏,无需害怕
0经核实吧主靑訷 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 dragonsaga吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.47, Client Version: Server Maintenance 2020-06-11, 13:00 Server Time Drive in Style Event Monsters inside Expert Modes, Dungeons and Mission Maps starting with Mirinae Sanctuary are dropping Toy Car Items. You can collect them and trade them at the Vending Machine for a Drive in Style Gasha Box. Please note that there are different Boxes for Humans and Dragokins and for male and female. The box contains randomly an Event Hair (former Halloween Event Hair), a face or you can be lucky and get one of the [Event] Hover Car eggs (S-201, X-201 or Z-201)
0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.46, Client Version: Server Maintenance 2020-06-04, 13:00 Server Time DragonSaga Evolved Bug Fixes - an issue with the friendlist has been fixed. It should now be working correctly - an issue has been fixed that the Soul Force Capsule did not show the saved options for some item types Guild Levels 2 new guild levels have been added, guild level 7 and 8. To reach guild level 7 you need 200,000 guild EXP. A level 7 guild can have 175 members and can buy the skill Iron Wall Lv.2 (DEF and MDEF increased by 15% of the character base amount). To reach gui
0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.45, Client Version: Server Maintenance 2020-05-28, 13:00 Server Time DragonSaga Evolved Bug Fixes - fixed a bug which caused summoned skills (like Spark Rock, Nut Cracker, etc.) not to use the Critical Defense Break stat - fixed a bug which caused summoned skills not to be included into the participation calculation of dungeons Changes - in instanced maps (Dungeons, Mission Maps) it's now needed that the party is gathered around the portal before the party is allowed to go through it - exploit fix: the Waltz emotion is now only able to be used
0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.38, Client Version: Server Maintenance 2020-05-14, 13:00 Server Time DragonSaga Evolved Bug Fixes - Gada coins should finally be usable in the Perimeter-B mission map Adjustments - replaced/removed useless stats on several items - replaced useless stats on the knight/paladin class tree's in-game gear sets Furniture Grind Mini Event Kill monsters to get Adorable Fish from them. You can exchange 50 Adorable Fish for a Furniture Box at the Vending Machine which contains randomly one of these MyHome furniture items: Strawberry Wafer Cookie Desk Cho
0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.38, Client Version: Server Maintenance 2020-05-07, 13:00 Server Time DragonSaga Evolved Bug Fixes - the option Disable First X-Atk Shout now works for every class (the option only affects chain combos) Adjustments - the height the monsters are thrown up in the air has been adjusted for Meteor Skill (Magician) - Celestial Potions can now be stacked up to 500 - the Mission Map Abandoned Facility should now give an item when pressing the Gada Coin button (Community wish) - Replaced/removed some useless stats Changes - the inventory icons of the Celest
210群号是多少啊2130进游戏就与服务器断开链接怎么回事241除在本贴外,任何贴子下方无意义回复、十五字、长文字刷经验行为都将封禁,请注意。 有需要的吧友,请在本贴刷经验吧!~2迷雾村庄铁匠那换的63武器 元素龙骨怎么获得啊1有大佬告诉下吗0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.15, Client Version: Server Maintenance 2020-02-06, 13:00 Server Time Three Mini Events! The Expert EXP Event, Become Skilled Event and Newbie Level Up Event have been extended for another week. It will end on February 13 at 13:00 Server Time. Superbowl Mini Drop Event The Event has ended. You can still exchange your leftover Football items at the Vending Machine for another week. Valentine's Day Event 2020 – Event Guide Cookie Factory is back! Stop Derek from kidnapping children and poisoning sweets and candies. Chocolate Meister's House0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.14, Client Version: Server Maintenance 2020-01-30, 13:00 Server Time Superbowl Mini Drop Event! Running until February 6, 13:00 Server Time. On February 3 it's the 54th Superbowl! Time to do some sports or at least look like you would do some sports. Until February 6 monsters are dropping a Football when being killed. You can exchange 10 Footballs at the Vending Machine for a Superbowl Gasha Box. It contains baseball uniforms, basketball uniforms, groupy clothing for the fans and a soccer balloon and a soccer hat. Show us how sporty you are an0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.13, Client Version: Server Maintenance 2020-01-23, 13:00 Server Time Three Mini Events! Running until February 6, 13:00 Server Time. Expert EXP Event During this event you will get 50% bonus EXP when killing monsters in the following dungeons: City Hall Serwers, Underground Graveyard, Akia Cave, Verdurous Forest, Kundara Dungeon, Red Fox Delta, VanCliff Citadelle, Drakos Tower The additional EXP is given in normal and expert modes! Become Skilled Event Kill Monsters in the Expert Mode of the Dungeons and collect the Book of Wisdom Box to have a ch0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.8, Client Version: Server Maintenance 2020-01-10, 13:00 Server Time Grinding for Elements Mini Event Until January, 23 13:00 Server Time monsters at specific locations are dropping Element Remains if they are killed. You can exchange 20 Silver Coins, 20 Element Remains and 20 Devil Soul Stones for an Element Support Box which can randomly contain: 2x Advanced Fire Element 2x Advanced Ice Element 2x Advanced Nature Element 2x Advanced Dark Element 2x Fire Bless 2x Ice Bless 2x Nature Bless 2x Dark Bless 2x Protection from Spirits (rare) 2x Every El0冒个泡0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.4, Client Version: Server Maintenance 12-5-2019, 13:00 Server Time Vyvern Lounge News Board You will now be notified by a symbol on the minimap if new messages on the News Board at the Vyvern Lounge are available. The symbol is flashing in red when a new "hot message" is available, it flashes in purple when new "normal" messages are available. If you are inside the Vyvern Lounge the News Board gets a symbol above it (same color scheme as the flashing icon on the minimap) if new messages are available. When looking at the news b0Maintenance Notes Patch Version 0.8.2, Client Version: Server Maintenance 2019-11-26, 15:00 Server Time Vyvern Lounge Board The board which can be found at the front wall below the maintenance timer has now another new purpose. It is a newsboard and is able to show news posted by the Dragon Saga Team. Go to the board and select the menu "Newsboard" if you want to read the messages. Please know that this is currently a beta phase, some features are still missing and will be added by next week. This is the message overview. A pinned post is always shown at the top of the lis6客户端开始游戏后,出现白色窗口后闪退,进程里也没有,之前一直正常玩,大概一个月没上了突然玩不了了1如题~~~~