关注: 41 贴子: 357


  • 目录:
  • 明星
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    oh! Ellin what can i do? there is nothing aside from you. i hate to say i'm starting again to try to get you off of my mind i must admit it's so hard to do oh Ellin! with no you by my side i have the chance to land on my own two feet and keep my chin off the ground but now you're gone i bet myself up about it, it sucks without you around, it sucks when you're not around. oh! Ellin what can i do? there isnothing aside from you. oh! Ellin what can i lose? there's nothing aside from you. i trace your steps but i get lost i bet i'ts what you had in mind and can't you see that all is not well oh! E
    我是阿噜 11-13
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    RT 这个恐怕不太好。。。能改否?
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    extra, extra! read all about it! everYone in every state thinks everyone is free. i don't know, i have a feeling every form of media is fucking with our heads and filling us full of shit. that's ok, they're so fucking lame, they're so lame, they're so fucking lame. i don't know, i think i heard about a guy that bought a gun and went on a killing spree because of something he saw on tv. every time i read the paper i get more disgusted then the time i read before.
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    I follow your friends around, I'm searching from town to town. I never knew what you meant to me, until you were lost and found. I never get up for daytime, and I only go out at night. There's so much I have to say to you, I'm gonna get it right this time. My Love, come to me, come around I'm lonely. Have socks I can smell you on them, I guess you must have forgot them. I wear them when I'm cold sometimes, I'm wearing them all the time. I'm thinking of heading south, bittersweet memories of your mouth. Remembering what you said to me, you'll never get cold feet now. My Love, come to me, come a
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    fid yourself down on your knees again the question is when's it gonna end? It just seems this will never change It's the same shit as yesterday taking shots all that you can take and now you hate yourself more than you can hate there's gonna be an emergency i swear, it's at the stage where something's gonna break running like a freight train you're going insane it's just another day for all these bloody veins. it's like a whirlwind pushin in the deep end you're screamin to a friend get out, get out, get out! soon the shit's gonna hit the fan you see its coming on like a hurricane tired of bei
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    Don't make me listen to the stupid broken record again The needle's skippin' and repeatin' never reaching the end You know you're bitching and complaining like you've got it so tough We're sick of all your crying will you ever shut up? So keep bleeding your fake blood 'till no one ever sees it If that's the best you can make up at least act like you mean it [Chorus] Give up the grudge [Clean:] Better shut your mouth [Explicit:] Shut your ****ing mouth why you gotta judge everybody but yourself Take a look around you There ain't nobody home I may be a loser But at least I'm not alone Your merce
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    We feel sick, broken down, drug ourselves, underground No one cares, we curse you all, we curse ourselves, in hopes we fall Friday night and I made the best of it I passed out before I could invest in it Understand it won't make sense But I don't value innocence I don't hope for anything Enemy? **** the pride Come on over to our side We're the same, just afraid What's the difference when we're all dying? Oh my God, we're so set In our own ways that we forget We are insignificant We'll be gone, soon be forgotten When you said to me I was dead to you I accepted that I disagreed with you What we
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    I pour salt in your wounds and you don't even flinch I sharpen my nails to give you a pinch My pulse is undetectable, yours is even worse You're so dead, I can't move you, not even with a hearse And you know I'll wait for you in vain An excuse for a master, I'm sweating like a slave You won't let me have it the reaction I crave In a sickening epiphany I learn that it's reversed I'm all black and blue and hollering cursed And you know I'll wait for you to wake I undress you with flames and gut you awake Take a piss on your grave and you would still feel nothing I could kill you with pain and wi
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    i know that you're not too enthused you've got just me around all night. i'm totally boring i don't interest you at all to say the least. you think i'm made up of straight lines, always contradict myself. i'm not stupid, i'm not smart it's like i'm not even there at all. (i've) got to talk over sounds of people sucking face and i've got nothing left to say. i would take a stupid chance but i hear people sucking face... i feel so out of place. why don't you treat me fair, stick your nose in the air and act like i'm in the way. i can guarantee you're as much a loser as me and you'll realize one
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    like i knew that you would come to me and we'd run away with all our dreams. don't you think that i'd prepare a bit to try to make it all complete. to run away is not the kind of thing that i do in a normal day, but it's so cool that we're together and we're smiling drinking soda. i want to jump in a lake. sun shining down on a beach in the summer.
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    I turn out the light And lay here in wait with half-closed eyes You would scare most with your presence It's your complexion if that's what it's called Opaque and white You float in the doorway, float in the night Your hands are ice, I would bet on it The room gets so cold after you come around I am ever waiting, you are out there wailing Love please come and haunt me always I'll let you come and take me on Love come taunt me through the whole night I need to, need to feel your soul Can I see you tonight? You leave with a start when I open my eyes You get so shy if I look at you Why come back
  • 41
    说是新人,但是已经爱GOB很多年了。 一个神奇的乐队。the same as SUM41
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    No Regrets ~let ring Intro G:--------------------------------------------------------------------------| D:----------------listen to song for rythem---------------------------------| A:--------------------------------------------------------------------------| E:--12 12/slide up to 5 while strumming-5-5555-5555-5555555-5555-----5~--5~-| Verse G:--------------------------------------------------------------------------| D:---------------listen to song for rythem----------------------------------| A:--------------------------------------------------------------------------| E:-00000000000000000-
    氰化晨 6-14
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    Tuning: down half step verse G|------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------2---2---2----2---2---2------------------| A|------------------------------2---2---2---2----2---2--------------------| E|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--------------------------------------------| CHORUS G|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|--7-7--5-5-------5-5--2-2-2-2---7--7--5--5--------5--5--------------------| E|------------3-3---------
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    Tuning: Gb Db Ab Eb (don't have to tune Gb you never really use it. But if you throw in your own little bits into a song like me by all means tune it) Intro (just right after the small guitar bit) Gb--------------------------------------------------- Db--------------------------------------------------- Ab222222222222--------------------------------------- Eb-------------444444444444-000000000000-222222222222 Verse Gb----------------------------- Db----------------------------- Ab22222222222222--------------- Eb--------------2222222-0000000 Chourus Gb---------------------------- Db------------
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    Intro G:--------------------------------------------------------------- D:--------------------------------------------------------------- A:----5>-7>--55-4-2-------------------------------------------------- E:-5>------------------------------------------------------------ Verse G:--------------------------------------------------------------- D:--------------------------------------------------------------- A:----5>----5>------------------------------------------------------- E:-5>----0>---------------------------------------------------------- Chorus G:------------------
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    Riff A: (twice) A--2222--------------------- E---------2222--0000--2222-- Riff B: (twice) A--2222--------------------- E--------0000--2222-44-4h5-- Riff C: (4 times) A--4444--------------------- E--------0000--2222-44-4h5-- Riff A: (twice) Riff B: (4 times) Riff C: (4 times) Riff A: (twice) Riff B: (once) Riff D: (once) A--2222---------------------- E-------0000-2222-444h5-5-0--
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    Intro & Chorus : Gb---------------------------------------------------------------------| Db---------------------------------------------------------------------| Ab---------------------------------------------------------------------| Eb--6-6-6-7-7-7-7-7-6-6-6-7-7-7-7-7--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4--4-4-4-2-2-2-0-0--| Gb---------------------------------------------------------------------| Db---------------------------------------------------------------------| Ab----------------------------------------------------2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--| Eb--4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0----------------
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    Intro G:--------------0>--2-2-0------- D:--0>--2>--4>-------------4-- A:---------------------------------- E:---------------------------------- Verse G:----------------------------------------|------------------------------------------- D:--0>-----0>--5-5-4-5--0>------0>--5-5-4-|-----------2-2-1-2---------- A:-----0>-------------------0>------------|-2>--0>--2>--------2>-0>-2>-- E:----------------------------------------|------------------------------------------- Chorus G:----------------------------------- D:---------0>----------------------
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    ***rest for guitars (0:00 - 0:05)*** Riff A: (3 times) G-------------- D-----------4-- A-----6-6-6---- E--4----------- Riff B: (once) A------------ E--55-4-3-2-- Riff A: (3 times) Riff C: (once) G------------ D--77-6-5-4-- A------------ E------------ ***break for guitar (0:16 - 0:17)*** Riff D: (3 times) A-----------22222222-44444444----------- E--00000000-------------------44444444-- Riff E: (once) A-----------22222222-------------------- E--00000000----------22222222-44444444-- Riff D: (3 times) Riff E: (once) Riff D: (7 times) - From the 5th time on the song begins to really fade out
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    intro/verse ------------------------------------| ---------------------------66666666-| -66666666-88888888------------------| ------------------------88----------| 10X chorus --------------------------| ----------------------6-8-| -6666666666666666-8-------| --------------------8-----| 4X intro/verse ------------------------------------| ---------------------------66666666-| -66666666-88888888------------------| ------------------------88----------| 4X chorus --------------------------| ----------------------6-8-| -6666666666666666-8-------| --------------------8-----| 4X intro/verse ---------
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    Riff A: (once) A---------------3333-4444-- E--3----3----3------------- Riff B: (once) A--------------7-7--7-77-7-3-3--3-33-3-------------- E--3-3--3-33-3-------------------------3-3--3-33-3-- Riff C: (once) A--------------7-7--7-77-7-3-3--3-33-3-------------- E--3-3--3-33-3-------------------------3--33-------- ***break for "Like I knew..." (0:15)*** Riff B: (3 times) Riff D: (once) A--------------7-7--7-77-7-3-3--3-33-3-2-2--2-22-2-- E--3-3--3-33-3-------------------------------------- Riff E: (once) A--7-7-5-55-3-3-3333-33----------5555-3333-- E-----------------------33333333------------ Rif
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    Drop D tuningIntro: G|---------|------------------------------------|-----------------------------| D|---------|------------------------------------|-----------------------------| A|-2-------|22222222----------------------------|22222222---------------------| E|---6-1-4-|---------66666666-11111111-44444444-|---------66666666-11111111-4-| Play Once Play Once Play Once Verse 1: "Painted murder on the..." G|--------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------| A|-22222222------------------------4444-| E|----------66666666-11111111-4444------|Play Twice Verse 2: "Hear t
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    intro --------------------| ------------4-------| -1----4-------------| -----------------4--| intro/chorus --------------------------------------| -----222222222222--22222--------------| --------------------------------------| -444-------------44--------22222222---| 2X verse ----------------------------------| ---------22222222--------44444444-| -----------------22222222---------| -44444444-------------------------| 4X intro/chorus --------------------------------------| -----222222222222--22222--------------| --------------------------------------| -444-------------44--------22222222---| 2X v
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    intro --------------------| ---------------1-1--| ----------------2-2-| -2-2-2-0-0-0-0------| 2X verse --------------------| ---------------1-1--| ----------------2-2-| -2-2-2-0-0-0-0------| 2X chrous --------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------1-1-1-1-1-1--| --------------------------------------------2-2-2-2-2-2-| -2-2-2-0-0-0-0-2-2-2-0-0-0-0-2-2-2-0-0-0-0--------------| before verse -------| -------| -------| -4-4-4-| verse --------------------| ---------------1-1--| ----------------2-2-| -2-2-2-0-0-0-0------| 2X chorus --------------
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    Lobster Boy Riff A: (4 times) A--7777-------2-1----7777-9999------------ E-------2222------4-------------77777777-- Riff B: (once) A--7777-9999--------- E------------7777-7-- ***brief pause, then go into chorus*** Riff C: (twice) A--22222222------------------------------- E------------22222222--00000000-22222222-- Riff A: (twice) Riff B: (once) ***brief pause (drum fill), then again into the chorus*** Riff C: (twice) Riff A: (once) Riff D: (once) A--7777-------2-1----7777-9999----- E-------2222------4-------------7--
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    intro 0:05 ----------------------------| ----------------------------| ---------2------------------| -2h0h2h0---2-2-2-0-0-000000-| 4X verse ----------------------------| ----------------------------| -2-2-2-2-4-4-4-4-0-0--------| ---------------------000000-| 3X -------------------| -------------------| -22222222-22222222-| -------------------| ----------------------------| ----------------------------| -2-2-2-2-4-4-4-4-0-0--------| ---------------------000000-| 3X -------------------| -------------------| -22222222-22222222-| -------------------| chorus ------------------------------| -2-2-2-
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    Leave Me Alone Riff A: (twice) A--5555---------5555--2222-- E----------3333------------- ***rest*** Riff B: ( 4 times) A--55555555--------------22222222---------------- E---------------33333333---------------55555555-- Riff C: (3 times) A---------------- E--3333--555555-- Riff D: (once) A--5-------------- E------5--33333--- Riff E: (3 times) A--5555-------------------- E----------5555--33333333-- Riff F: (once) A--5555------------- E----------5555--3-- Riff A: (4 times) Riff B: (4 times) Riff C: (3 times) Riff G: (once) A--5--------------- E------5---3/7777-- Riff E: (7 times) Riff H: (once) A
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    I've Been Up These Steps Tuning: Half Step Down (Eb Ab Db Gb) No bass for the intro of the song. The bass comes in at 0:37. 0:37 Bass comes in (Bass Intro) Gb|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| Db|--------------------------------------------------------------------|| x2 Ab|-------------5555------------7--7-----7--7-----------------------------|| Eb|-7777--2222--------5555--000---0--000---0------------------------------|| Verse Part 1 (0:48) Gb|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| Db|------------------------------------
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    verse ---------------------------------| ---------------------------------| -000000000000000-----------------| -----------------111111111111111-| 2X you say anything you wanna say (whoa...) you hear anything you wanna hear (whoa...) chorus -------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------| -55555555-33333333-0-111-0-111-0-111-0-111-| 2X you say you lead a different life........ instead you lead a miserable life........ verse ---------------------------------| ---------------------------------| -000000000000000-
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    Verses 1 (x2) G: |-----------------------------------| D: |-----------------------------------| A: |-2>-4------------------------------| E: |------4--4-4-4-4-0>-4>-0>-4>-0>-2>-| Chorus 1 (x2) G: |-------------| D: |-------------| A: |-------4>----| E: |-0>-2>----4>-| Verses 2 (x2) G: |-----------------------------------| D: |-----------------------------------| A: |-2>-4------------------------------| E: |------4--4-4-4-4-0>-4>-0>-4>-0>-2>-| Chorus 2 G: |-------------|-------------------| D: |-------------|-------------------| A: |-------4&
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    intro -----------------------------------| -2-2-2------------2-2-2------------| -------2----------------2-0-0-00-2-| ---------4-4-44-5------------------| verse -----------------------------------| -2-2-2------------2-2-2------------| -------2----------------2-0-0-00-2-| ---------4-4-44-5------------------| 2X chrous -----------------------------------| -2-2-2------------2-2-2------------| -------2----------------2-0-0-00-2-| ---------4-4-44-5------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------| -2-2-2------------2-2-2-----------------------------------| -------2------
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    Hooray! Riff A: (3 times) A--------5-7-7--------5-------------5-7-7--9999--7777-- E--7777---------7777-----5-5--7777--------------------- now, there are two ways you can play Riff B (3 times); like i do A--xxxxxxxx--5-5-5-5-5-5-- E------------------------- or, like my friend does (whatever you feel is best) A------------5-5-5-5-5-5-- E--77777777--------------- Riff C: (once) A--xxxxxxxx--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-- E------------------------------------- Riff A: (twice) Riff D: (once) A--9999--7777-- E-------------- Riff A: (twice) Riff B: (3 times) Riff C: (once) Riff A: (twice) Riff D: (o
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    intro -----------------------| -----------------------| -666-444-333-----------| -------------666-44-33-| 2X pre-verse ----------| ----------| -66666666- ---------- 4X verse --------------------| --------------------| --------------------| -0000000000000000---| 4X pre-chorus -------------------| -------------------| ----------66666666-| -44444444----------| 3X -------------------| -------------------| -33333333-11111111-| -------------------| chorus -----------| -----------| -6666------| ------4444-| 3X -----------| -----------| -----------| -8888-6666-| pre-verse ----------| ----------| -6666
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    F*ck Them Riff A: (once) A-------------------------------------| E-0000000000000000-33333333-55555555--| Riff B: (4 times) A--------------33333333----------------55555555---| E-00000000---------------33333333-----------------| Riff C: (once) A--------3333--------2222-3333--------3333-------------| E-3333--------3333---------------5555--------55555555--| Riff D: (4 times) A----------| E--33--33--| Riff E: ( times) A---------------3-3-2----| E-00000000-----------33--| Riff D: (4 times) Riff B: (twice) Riff G: (once) A-55555555--------------3333333333333333-| E--------------33333333--------------
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    Fido Dildo Riff A: (twice) A--7777--------7777------------ E--------7777-----------7-5-4-- Riff B: (3 times) A--7777----------- E----------7777--- Riff C: (once) A--7777-----------7777------------------ E----------7777---------7777--55555555-- Riff D: (once) A---------------------------------------- E--0-0--4/5---0-0--4/5---0-0-4/5/7-7777-- Riff A: (twice) Riff B: (3 times) Riff C: (once) Riff D: (once) Riff E: (once) A--4444----------4444------------4444-----------22222222-- E----------4444------------4444-----------3333------------ Riff F: (once) A--4444----------4444------------4444--------
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    intro ----------------------------------------| ------66-6-77-7---------------22-2------| -77-7----------55-5-44-4-00-0------22-2-| ----------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------| ------66-6-77-7---------------22-2-22-2-22-2-22-2-| -77-7----------55-5-44-4-00-0---------------------| --------------------------------------------------| verse ------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------22222222-------------------------| -00000000-55555555-------------------0000-2-44444-555-0-2-0-| -------------------2222222
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    G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4---------------------------------------- E-----------------------------------------4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0

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会员: Gods

目录: 明星