0经核实吧主佐蓝攻略 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 quast吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
5"I told this story about how this was the very stage where I had played Adam in The Wakefield Mystery Plays. I explained here is the place, nearly 30 years ago, I took my pants down and I walked down here and I was at the front of the stage completely naked and a woman in the first row screamed! About three days later I got a letter addressed to me at the theatre - I presume it was from this woman - it said, 'I thought you were wonderful as Adam but do you realise that Adam wouldn't have been circumcised?' It brought the house down. “我告诉你这个故事是因为这特戏剧,当时我
25Philip Quast – Sir Humphrey Appleby, Cabinet Secretary One of Australia’s most eminent international theatre performers, London based Philip Quast has won three Olivier Awards for Best Male Performance in a Musical, and was nominated for a fourth. He has appeared in Principal Roles with the Royal Shakespeare Company, the National Theatre and the Donmar Warehouse. He is currently playing the role of Mr Banks – for which he won this year’s Helpmann Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Musical – in the Sydney season of Mary Poppins. His Javert in Les Miserables, in Great Britain and Au
22正常的一天: 早 Confrontation 中 Stars 晚 Suicide 开心的一天: 早 Stars 中 Stars 晚 Stars 苦逼的一天: 早 Confrontation 中 Confrontation 晚 Confrontation 过不下去的一天: 早 Suicide 中 Suicide 晚 Suicide
316 September 2013 The PQG is pleased to announce that Philip Quast is going to play the role of Pastor Manders in a new Melbourne Theatre Company production of Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts, adapted and directed by Gale Edwards, from 17 May to 21 June 2014 at the Sumner Theatre, Melbourne, as part of an exciting 2014 MTC season, which was announced today.
16跟着PQ数星星 以下纯属花痴。 “世界上有两件东西能够深深地震撼人们的心灵,一件是我们心中崇高的道德准则,另一件是我们头顶上灿烂的星空。” 1 夜深人静,一直心有不甘的PQ念念不忘,又惦记起这个逃犯,神情严肃: There, out in the darkness A fugitive running Fallen from God 2 上帝作证 我绝不放过他 PQ自顾自点了点头, 仿佛自言自语 走着瞧,直到我们再碰上的那一天 你走你的歪门邪道,我跟主走 走上罪恶之路的,地狱之火等着你们 没错,一切终有报!
8对不起PQ叔 俺把你的贴吧抛到脑后那么长时间... Philip Quast is currently playing the role of George Banks in the highly-anticipated Australian premiere of Mary Poppins, at Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne. Booking has just extended to 23rd January 2011.
4http://if.com.au/2013/07/17/article/At-NIDA-Quast-teaches--and-l [Wed 17/07/2013 07:54:03] By Don Groves When Philip Quast accepted the role of Artist in Residence at the National Institute of Dramatic Art this year, he had a dual motive. The first was to impart as much knowledge as he could to his students, drawing on nearly 35 years as an actor in stage, film and television. The second was to learn more about the mindset and motivations of aspiring young actors and directors. “As older artists we have not necessarily come to terms with the fact that, for us, language revolves around form w
5单文件夹循环好久了,再听下去要出问题了 求 Live at the Donmar 肿末买? Amazon的美国帐号密码忘记了 还有别的招吗?
25澳大利亚版的……51楼 防吞880顺便,PQ叔你终于有吧了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊…… 泪奔+星星眼